The repeated accusations of the candidate of the opposition Xochitl Galvez against him president of Brunette, Mario Delgadoabout his alleged involvement in the business of fuel theft and damage to the treasurywas a cause of concern and discussion all last week in the National Palace. Galvez has not provided evidence to support his statement, but the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador this highly strung and together with his closest team of collaborators, he decided that Delgado defends himself. Before the possibility from which the documentation that links him to organized crimethe presidential tactical withdrawal is equivalent to a political abandonment.
The walks of Slim along dark paths are not new. For more than a year the Attorney General’s Office has been documenting its links with characters related to organized crimeparticularly with Sergio Carmonaa Tamaulipas financial businessman from Morena who they called “the king of huachicol“, which was murdered in Monterrey in November 2021. The Mexican intelligence services have an extensive investigation into the relations between the two and how Carmona’s money was used in at least eight of the gubernatorial elections that same year, Baja California, Michoacán, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala and Zacatecas.
On several occasions, prosecutor Alejandro Gertz Manero told the president about the findings that were being made about Delgado, not only about his dangerous relationships but also about the use of resources of unknown origin, but he ignored them. Gertz Manero informed López Obrador at the end of last year about a property that the Morena leader had acquired in Valle de Bravo, whose remodeling was estimated at 50 million pesos, and this year he added the purchase of two other houses in the City of Mexico, whose value does not correspond to its public income.
Suspicions about Delgado became lines of investigation after Carmona’s murder, and became a priority for several areas of the federal government on the eve of the process to select Morena’s presidential candidacy, which revealed links that alarmed due to the murdered businessman’s relationship with several drug cartels and their proximity to important Morena figures in Tamaulipas. Also, because politicians linked to the main drug cartels penetrated the teams of the three main candidates.
Code Magenta, the site run by Ramón Alberto Garza, had access to Carmona’s cell phone files, which include communications and conversations, videos and images of politicians very close to Delgado with the businessman. Among these is Gabriela Jiménez, member of the National Council of Morena and candidate for a deputyship for Azcapotzalco, whom Delgado placed in the war room of the presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum, and Erasmo González Robledo, president of the Budget Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, which in intelligence reports appears as the alleged source of the money from organized crime generated by Carmona, and the financing of Morena.
Gálvez’s allegations led the president to ask Gertz Manero to officially consult the United States Department of Justice if there is a formal investigation against Delgado in that country. Unofficial information about this investigation was provided by the prosecutor to López Obrador last year. Delgado sought Gertz Manero several times to ask her to intervene before the United States, but because of the way the prosecutor has continued to act, he does not seem to have helped her at all. Delgado, officials said, has been looking for lawyers since last year in the event of an accusation, while there are recommendations that neither he nor the governor of Tamaulipas Américo Villarreal, nor his son Américo Villarreal Santiago, a multi-member candidate for the Senate, travel to the United States. Joined.
Officially, as normally happens when there are open cases, US authorities have neither confirmed nor denied that there is an investigation involving Delgado. But a Code Magenta reporter had access at the end of last December to a fragment of the DEA file that is part of the accusation against Carmona in the Western District Court of Texas for money laundering.
Code Magenta saw a memo of the meeting that the brother of businessman Julio Carmona had with the DEA a week and a half after his murder, to become a protected witness. Carmona had been director of the port of Altamira, appointed by the then director of Customs in the López Obrador government, Ricardo Peralta, and both fired for alleged acts of corruption. Peralta was rescued by the former Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero, who – with the president’s endorsement – authorized him to speak with drug cartels to reduce violence, until he was fired and joined the team of former candidate Adán Augusto López. Julio Carmona is not the only protected witness who is providing information about Carmona’s networks of criminal and political ties, but there is also the son of a general.
All the information that emerged about Delgado’s probable criminal relationship with Carmona was minimized by the president, who only reacted until now, after Gálvez’s complaint. Sheinbaum did not act either and Delgado remains the coordinator of her campaign and of all Morena campaigns in the country, and Gabriela Jiménez remains in the candidate’s control and decision room. The cost-benefit in terms of political ethics is not a variable that those in power take into account. That the political operation and the application of resources not be interrupted is the fundamental thing six days before the elections.
But in the medium and long term, damage control began.
The decision was for the president not to talk about the issue due to the fear that if there is evidence that implicates Delgado with organized crime, he would be the one to pay the cost. The problem is that it would not stop with him, since the information so far is that drug money has presumably been a strategic factor in Morena’s electoral victories.
X: @rivapa
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