Accused of having elevated in 2000 to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in the political struggle for the presidence of the Republiche Former President Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon He says he built the democracy and that the Tabasco native She is destroying. But now it is known that Zedillo arrived at the presidency by the Colosio’s assassination and for being the guarantor of the continuity of the neoliberal project of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
As Zedillo is economistthen he applies the principle that things should work out if everything else remains constant; that is, his training as a mathematical economist that served him to invent the Fobaproa and save the banks from bankruptcy – at the cost of sinking millions of bank debtors who lost homes and vehicles – is now not enough for him to understand the dynamics of democracy, not even if the politician Manuel Bartlett Díaz lent him some of the algorithms of the electoral computation of 1988, with the electoral fraud of Carlos Salinas de Gortari which was the serpent’s egg of the technocrats who installed neoliberalism and to which Salinas himself belonged in the first row of the party Zedillo.
The minimalist definition of democracy is very simple: compete to win under the rules of law. In his five electoral forays — the government of the DF in 2000, the two presidential contests he lost under democracy and the overwhelming electoral victories in 2018 and 2024 –, Lopez Obrador He complied with all the requirements of the electoral laws, including the legally permissible spaces to obtain benefits without disregarding the authority of the Electoral Institute. In other words, López Obrador acted within the strict reference frameworks of the electoral laws, so his victories could be criticized for excesses and vices, but recognizable if they conformed to the terms of the law.
And if in a democracy the one who has the most votes wins and does not go beyond the legal framework, then the exercise of democracy in power must also occur in compliance with all legal requirements: the judicial reform may not be liked and objections may be listed that will reveal themselves as a conflict when implemented, but López Obrador complied with the democratic method, and even went further: on February 5, he listed almost twenty legislative initiatives that would be the banner of the candidates for federal and state legislators and he publicly set as his goal the achievement of a qualified majority of two-thirds of the legislators in each Chamber.
The National Electoral Institute, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation and the electoral results had to give the victory to López Obrador and his candidate Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo with 60% of the presidential votes and the qualified majorities in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate based on the same interpretation of the law that in 2018 was made by none other than the saints of authoritarian anti-populist democracy: Lorenzo Córdova Vianello and Ciro Murayama Rendón. The rearrangement of loyalties is democratic if it complies with the rules, although the trafficking of votes that was also displayed can be condemned from a public moral point of view. the PAN, the PRI and the PRD.
In this context, the speech of former President Zedillo in an association of jurists in the service of private law – because his concern is that private companies will no longer be able to boss judges, magistrates and ministers around – can only be characterized as a former presidential tantrum and analytical arbitrariness when arguing that dictatorships and tyrannies are coming, although Zedillo himself, as a PRI member and as guarantor of Salinas’ neoliberal authoritarian model, managed the country and the powers like a dictatorship and even a tyranny.
Zedillo’s problem is that he exercised a dictatorial and even tyrannical discourse by launching Zeus’s rays against López Obrador, in the understanding that the Tabasco native has earned them and cannot prevent them from cursing him in this way, but the former president who benefited from Colosio’s assassination cannot manipulate the concept of democracy at will and arbitrarily: with his majority, López Obrador and his allies can do whatever they want, until society itself organized as a partisan, political or moral opposition can stop him in court.
Zedillo’s speech was reduced to a diatribe against López Obrador’s welfare-based approach — not even populist — to defend the defeated neoliberal project of Salinas de Gortari that Zedillo was unable to give continuity to in 2000 and that development model fell prey to the electoral ups and downs from when the PRI lost the presidency until López Obrador won it.
Democrat Zedillo was enraged by the popular vote of democracy.
Politics for dummies: politics always humiliates politics.
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