Aleksandre Topuria is very close to debuting in UFC. According to all indications, it seems that it will be next February 9 in Sydney, Australia. We still don’t know if he’ll perform in the big leagues, but everything indicates that he’s going to have a lot of trouble in Dana White’s company.
This has been highlighted by his future partner, Dani Barezwho pointed out in a recent interview for ABC that Aleksandre’s level is similar to that of Ilia. “I have seen their level up close because I have seen both Ilia and Aleksandre fighting since amateurs. I know they were equal in levell. Now I guess it will be the same. For example, Aleksandre fought with my brother and wins all the amateur tournaments. He has a brutal level,” the fighter acknowledged.
Aleksandre has six professional fights. Of them he has won five and lost one. In this sense, it is important to note that all of his victories have been finishes: three knockouts and two submissions. This will be very useful to you within UFCwhere they like the fighters who put on a show. The negative fact is that Ilia’s brother has already been knocked out.
As for Dani Bárez, we already know that his future lies in Andre Lima. This is a fighter who remains undefeated with a 10-0 record, with three victories within UFC. Despite this record, it must be taken into account that of the three victories within Dana White’s company, one has come by disqualification of his rival, one by split decision and the other by unanimous decision.
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