Cybersecurity incidents increased 15% in Spain for 2024 if compared to the 83,500 that had been recorded the previous year. This has been denounced by Yolanda Barrientos, responsible for knowledge and awareness of companies and professionals from INCIBE, during the opening of the X Cybersecurity Forum organized by
“In Incibe we are about to publish the cybersecurity balance of 2024 and the data leaves no doubt and although the figures cannot be published officially, I can confirm that in 2023 83,500 cybersecurity incidents were managed in 2023 This 2024 has a 15% increase in cybersecurity incidents“He has detailed during his speech.
Becoming digital companies has been one of the main challenges of the business fabric of recent years, however, the scenario has changed and the challenge should no longer be to advance digitalization, but to advance in cybersecurity. “We have built a hyperconnected system where technology is the growth engine, efficiency and innovation, but the more we depend on the most exposed digital we are,” said Barrientos.
The exposure of the companies is palpable if the data of registered attacks are analyzed. During 2024 Up to six different companies 35 made public that they had received a cyber attack This must be added the thousands of attacks that occur daily that are not made public and that do not always end successfully. “In this context, cybersecurity is no longer just a technical problem. It is a business challenge, a competitive factor and a matter of survival,” explained the head of knowledge and awareness of companies and professionals from INCIBE.
Although companies advance by leaps and bounds in this field, they will never be entirely safe. In fact, cyber attacks will be impossible to stop, the goal must be to work to minimize damage to the fullest. “Approximately 45% of Spanish companies have already suffered some attack in recent years and All, absolutely everyone, we will go through that trance we will be victims of a cyber attack With which we have to be prepared, “Barrientos has put on notice.
One of the main problems facing Spain are the peculiarities of the business fabric and that is that 99% of the companies are SMEs and normally generally they are less prepared to deal with an attack. “He ransomware It is still the most expensive threat, it also affects large corporations but Also to SMEs, who do not have robust contingency plans“He added.
Another of the most common cyberattakes suffered by companies are Identity Supplantations. In fact, it is the most reported incidence in the Infibe’s help line. To understand this, we must bear in mind that it is a very little expensive attack for criminals, on many occasions it can be limited to sending an email and that, however, It causes great reputational damage to people.
Barrientos is clear what the key to stopping the years is: “Investment and training continues, especially in times of digitalization and geopolitical tension such as those we find.”
In recent years, important advances have been carried out at the legislative level, above all, from the European Union such as Dora or the NIS2. Laws that Barrientos will celebrate but does not consider enough. “We have seen that complying is not enough. These regulations seek to raise the level of security in strategic sectors and establish stricter rules for incident management but here is a key issue: Comply with the regulations is not synonymous with being safe. Complying with the regulations is the minimum, real security is achieved when cybersecurity ceases to be a requirement and becomes a competitive advantage, “he said.
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