We all house desires. Some more than others – this is like that – but we can do it all and in different magnitudes: from desire the most mundane, such as getting home without losing the bus, to acquiring the best car on the market. We all want and all wishes … They are valid.
Curro Cañete, Coach author of ‘Dream, visualizes, creates’ (planet), says that he has created this volume (the fifth already) hoping to help others pursue your dreams. He assures that his community gets in touch with him daily to ask for advice and they are always transmitting their illusions, fears, needs … “in the end they are very similar to those that I have as a human being,” he emphasizes, and affirms that this high -impact book is designed for Recover concentration and ability to focus on the really important.
– Would you say that the dreams we want to achieve are the ones that move us?
Completely. Desires have a much deeper meaning than many people give. They have the power to become happy now and make us live with enthusiasm. Also to make us evolve and advance. Therefore, desires are super important. We are talking about genuine desires, those who come from within oneself. Those wishes are the ones or yes you can make a reality. I always say that if life has put a wish within you it is because you have the ability to make it come true.
– Advise in your book enjoy the way to desire. Some have little patience …
It is the most important thing. Many people destroy their dreams and their desires for impatience. And abandon them. And it is as if a little plant is growing their roots. The impatience castrates your happiness in the present. Therefore, the biggest tool we have to be patient is joy. If you are happy today, then you are patient because you have no anxiety for your wishes to be fulfilled. You are already happy. When your wishes are fulfilled you will be happier yet.
“If life has put a wish within you, it is because you can make it come true”
– What steps follow a desire to make it come true?
There are three steps of the creative process: dream, visualize and create. Dreaming means that you decide because if you can’t ask. If you ask you, you are also paying attention to that.
Step two is to visualize, see it in your mind: believe it, observe it, experience it, feel it … take attention to your dream. That visualization, that faith, makes you inspire the steps you have to take. So, I call it inspired action. It is a brave action because it forces you to leave your comfort zone, but at the same time it is inspiring.
And three, believe. Go to action. This book is center in action because you have to lower dreams to land: ‘What can I do today for my dream?’, ‘What can I do this week?’, And you are in that next step.
Coach Curro Cañete.
Javier Ocaña
– What do successful people, of whom he speaks in the book, to achieve their dreams?
They throw themselves into the mud and do with joy what they have to do.
– Is the joy the main ingredient to move forward?
It is the most important because it is worth anything to make dreams come true if we have no joy. You have to go first because it is what makes us enjoy life. We have come to this world to enjoy. If not, what is it for? Imagine that you become millionaire or very famous or that your dream was to play on stage and get it. What is the use of if you have no joy? What is the use of having children if you have no joy? What is the use of having a partner if you have no joy? Nothing of the good in life serves if there is no joy.
– Those who have no joy will think that he speaks of something impossible …
I encourage readers to cultivate that joy because you can cultivate and train. And that’s what many people don’t know. Our attitude can be chosen; We can choose to live with joy. From the hand of joy positivism will come.
“A life towards your wishes will require you resignations”
– What ravages does negativism have in us?
What destroys our joy are negative and intrusive thoughts. It is not what you are living because what you are living can live with positivity is whatever.
– Let’s talk about the ultrafocus law commenting on the book. What is it?
The law of ultrafocus, I really say it, is the most powerful thing I have achieved after investigating so many successful people, after taking years and years helping people to achieve goals. It’s about focusing on a single objective: choose one thing and ultraenfocate on that. Then you know what your ultrafocate block is and you know what you are working on to get out of your comfort zone.
You have to get up every day thinking about that. You have to visualize that goal. The law of ultrafocus is thought, feelings, word and action, all focused on a point. We are unfocused, society deconcentrates us, but with this law we prepare to be focused on something.
– You have to know how to prioritize …
You have time for what interests. Maybe your goal is to go cane with friends. It seems phenomenal. Maybe you’re going to find love. No problem. But you are not divided.
You have to strive and you have to say no to other things. Getting your dream is not easy because you have to pay much attention, a lot of desire, much focus, a lot of daily effort. Of course, a life aimed at the direction of your dreams and focused on the direction of your dreams, it will require renunciations, but you will feel more full, happier, more satisfied and above all you will achieve a big life actually.
– When does that moment come when you say ‘Look, so far, I will not get this’?
I am clear that if life has put a wish within you, what I said before, you have the ability to make it come true. But I am also clear that some wishes cease to exist before materializing but this is because they already gave you what they had to give you. That is, you have already advanced as far as you had to advance. So it is a matter of honesty. Imagine, you wanted to be a successful singer and fill out stadiums but suddenly you knew the love of your life. And suddenly what fills you is to sing for friends. We have to be attentive to us, because life is moving and dreams are moving.
“Successful people throw themselves into the mud and do with joy what they have to do”
– Does the manifest practice?
I visualize and of course I manifest. Our mind is very powerful and the energy part is important: visualize the goals and make effort.
– This book focused on helping us achieve our goals makes me think that we have little tolerance to failure …
Only the one who stops trying before his dream can live. Therefore, for me there are no failures, because then I have not finished trying. In addition, in each failure you will learn a lot of things that help you change your action plan, change the strategy, change the focus … It is not about continuing to do the same but to ask you ‘What do I have to change to be able to finish it?’ I discovered that I needed more time to finish my book, so I told my editor.
– What is left to work in itself?
What gives me the most joy and happiness, and I say it with total sincerity, is to contribute to people can be done and be happy. If you read this book and your life improves something, I am very happy and my happiness increases. So it is my biggest dream along with being able to live with joy all my vital stages. I work every day. I have not met anyone who has worked so much in himself as me.
And protect a lot that my life is calm, because I need it. And I say much not because if I do not enter anxiety and when we enter anxiety we are leaving our health, our joy and everything to hell.
About Curro Cañete
Curro Cañete is a professional coach entitled by the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has helped athletes, artists and professionals to focus, to give his best and to increase his success and happiness. Passionate about human behavior, their purpose is to help people believe in themselves so they can enjoy life, live without fear and make their dreams come true. Translated into ten languages, he is the author of ‘Best Self’ as ‘The power to trust you’, who won the prize for the best book published in 2019, ‘Now it’s your turn to be happy’, ‘Do not be afraid of anything’ and ‘Love begins in you’, unstoppable books that have already changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.
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