America, Despite Saturday's 2-0 victory over Alianza, it has not come out of its crisis, at least the athlete calmed down, because the three points seemed to give the soul back to the squad, to the coach, Cesar Faríasyou already fans them.
However, the team remains in the eye of the hurricane, since the problems that its leaders have generated do not stop. Recently, Tulio Gomez, The largest shareholder was sanctioned by Dimayor for having criticized the refereeing in the match that the team tied against Envigado in the South Sports Center for date 7 of the BetPlay League 2024-I.
“What happened today in Envigado is incredible, first they denied us a very clear penalty, and then in the last minutes of the game they invented a penalty to deny us the victory, Central referee and those of the VAR guilty, these gentlemen cannot whistle at us again, they do not give us guarantees,” were the explosive statements that Tulio Gómez made publicly on that occasion.
From bad to worse
Gómez was suspended for three months and forced to pay a fine of 28 million pesos, somewhat less than what was presented in the last hours.
The leader defended the work of the former American coach Lucas Gonzalezwho was fired by his daughter, Marcela, the president of the team.
America's goal
Gómez, in his 'X' account, wrote: “In the face of the malevolent and harmful comments that call into question the honorability of our former coach Lucas González, I want to make it clear that during his time directing in America he demonstrated professionalism and honorability. Conceptual differences do not disqualify him as a person. The doors of America are open if in the future our concepts align.”
However, Marcela, his own daughter, replied: “I'm sorry to deny it, Don Tulio, but in the previous Presidency a businessman was in all the training sessions and was very close, something that changed when I arrived in Cascajal. “Just because I swallowed the toads doesn't mean that things haven't happened.”
The trills disappeared hours after being published.
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