The Science Museum (Science Museum) of London has generated a new debate about gender after the incorporation of LEGO in its self -managed tour entitled ‘Seeing Things Queerly’ (‘Looking at things from a queer perspective’), which examines the representation of communities, experiences … and queer identities in culture and science. According to The Telegraph, the museum argues that the iconic construction blocks can reinforce the idea that heterosexuality is the norm, as well as the belief in the existence of only two genres.
This statement is based on the observation that some describe LEGO’s pieces as gender elements: bricks with outstanding pins are considered “male”, while holes with holes are identified as “feminine.” In addition, the connection between the two is referred, supposedly, as an act of “mating.” “This vision is heteronormative,” says the museum’s guide, explaining that this concept assumes that “heterosexuality and male/female gender binary are the norm, and everything that is outside this scheme is seen as unusual.” However, the museum guide does not provide sources that support the idea that the population in general perceives LEGO bricks as binary gender elements or that the connection between the pieces is called “mating.” The sex matters organization, which advocates the preservation of exclusive spaces for women and services based on biological sex, has strongly criticized these statements.
Fiona Mcanena, leader within the organization, declared that “the self -guided tour of the Science Museum about the ‘queer’ is completely crazy and includes some absurd assertions.” In addition, he described as “ridiculous” the idea that Lego is heteronormative due to the way his pieces are described. Mcanena emphasized that children who play with lay people do not need to be informed that some people consider that fitting the pieces amounts to an act of “mating.” “People expect to be informed, educated and inspired when visiting the Science Museum, not being subject to doubtful statements rooted in gender ideology,” he added.
The self -guided tour includes other objects that have been related to gender diversity and sexual orientation. Among them is Billy Doll, a toy launched in 1992 and designed to represent a gay man. In addition, the museum has highlighted a Spitfire, because Roberta Cowell, a pilot who flew one of these fighters during World War II, subsequently underwent sex reassignment surgery. “Cowell was the first British trans woman to undergo gender statement and change her birth certificate,” says the tour guide.
Other points of the exhibition include a couple of Gallina Seabright Bantam used by scientist Thomas Hunt Morgan in their studies on genetic inheritance. The museum takes advantage of this section to talk about diversity in human sexual features and explains that, although biology usually determines women with XX chromosomes and men with XY, there are other characteristics that influence biological sex, such as hormones, such as hormones, such as hormones, such as hormones, such as hormones, genitals and secondary features such as voice or body hair. But this is not the first time that the Science Museum is in the center of the controversy around gender diversity and LGBT+inclusion.
In 2023, the museum withdrew a trans-even exhibition entitled ‘Boy or Girl?’ After receiving criticisms that accused her of being “propaganda” instead of presenting a vision based on biology. This exhibition included appointments that described the gender transition as a “hero trip”, as well as a mannequin with a prosthetic penis and equipment used for chest bandage. In parallel, the museum has promoted a special tour to commemorate the month of history LGBTQ+, which is celebrated in February, although this route does not include the reference to the Lego blocks.
It is worth mentioning that the organization that manages several museums in the United Kingdom is directed by Ian Blatchford, a former banker who has expressed his opposition to what he describes as “Woke causes.” In an article published in The Telegraph in 2021, Blatchford warned that the “cancellation culture” represents a threat to the cultural sector and that museums must “avoid political activism.” For its part, LEGO has promoted initiatives to reduce gender stereotypes in its products. In 2021, the Danish company announced its commitment to eliminate gender prejudices in children’s game, arguing that “rooted stereotypes label activities as appropriate only for a specific genre.” However, so far, the company has not spoken about the association of its products with heteronormativity in the museum guide.
#Controversy #London #Science #Museum #stating #Legos #pieces #heteronormatively