The Congress has validated on Wednesday the decree of the Government that revalues pensions to the IPC and extends for six months the aid to public transport, the so -called social shield that PP and Juns knocked down last month between excuses and to which they have now given their support. The new decree contains the bulk of the social measures of the previous one and leaves out some economic issues but maintains the main points that these parties put as an argument to vote against few weeks ago.
The decree has come forward with 315 votes in favor, the abstention of UPN and the refusal of the 33 vox deputies. The Congress has also approved that the measures package is subsequently debated as a bill so that groups can raise amendments.
The Government unlocks support for this decree just a few days after Congress knocked down the previous package. To do this, he negotiated with Juns processing the non -law proposition with which those of Carles Puigdemont seek to urge Pedro Sánchez to undergo a matter of trust. It also included some “to combat criminal occupations”, an issue that concerns post -convergentes for their links with the Catalan real estate employer. The only novelty about housing, explained Bolaños, is a “public line of guarantees to guarantee the owners to rent their homes to young people or with low income.” “This is the only novelty,” he said.
But the decree maintains protection against evictions for vulnerable families, which was one of the aspects that bothered together that decree. It also includes the revaluation of IPC pensions, 2.8%. And a greater increase for minimal and non -contributory pensions, 9% for the latter.
Another key measure of this new social shield was the extension during the first six months of 2025 are the discounts on public transport, both for the respite it supposes for the ‘pocket’ of millions of families and because it favors a more sustainable mobility.
And one aimed at the protection of the most vulnerable, the extension of the electric social bond, as well as changes in the electricity bill, with tax increases after the standardization of inflation, along with other aids for the palm or for the areas for the areas Affected by the October Dana.
All those measures that decayed a month ago and that the government solved with the new decree a few days later are now definitely validated thanks to the recomposition of relations with Junts. But the measures will go ahead with the unexpected support of the PP, which he had voted against the first time with the argument that the Executive should take to Congress only the rise in pensions.
“Let me thank the PP. It is difficult to change the meaning of the vote and more after the vehemence to defend the arguments that turned out to be absolutely false, ”said Bolaños from La Tribuna, which has reviewed the arguments of the main opposition party:“ What did you say to vote no? That citizens were not going to understand that a decree was approved that raised taxes […] Decree that defended Okupas, yielded palace and raised the VAT. ”
During the session in which this package was discussed in January, the PP loaded against the Government for not chopping the decree and especially for including the return to the PNV of the historic building of the Paseo Marceau de Paris, that the Basque nationalists bought in 1936 through testaferros and $ 65,000. “The PP will vote not that trap decree but will promote a law that protects the retirees of our country. The gift that the Government made to the PNV in the form of a palace in Paris does not have the support of the Popular Party, ”popular sources argued at that time. This time, however, the PP has voted in favor despite the fact that the decree includes that measure again.
“They have demonstrated the roots of their party, on which side of the story are, on the side of the Gestapo that snatched the building and Franco that kept him in his possession,” the PP deputy went to the PP. In the plenary on Wednesday. “Only from nostalgic positions of the Franco regime and the dictatorship can justify the opposition to the return of the building to its legitimate owner,” he insisted, deepening the gap between his formation and the party of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.
The PP tries to justify your turn
The deputy of the PP Jaime de Olano has tried to justify the 180 degree turn of his party, which went from knocking down the first social decree to support what will be approved on Wednesday, in the reduction of issues included in the text. “From a bus decree we have gone to a microbus decree,” he has ironized. “They make a fool of this chamber and out, as at the press conference of the Council of Ministers yesterday,” he defended, about the internal struggle for the SMI and his fiscal taxation.
Olano has defended the “commitment to the Spaniards and pensioners, who know that the PP fulfills.” “We do not freeze pensions as you did with the decisive vote of Pedro Sánchez,” he added. The deputy, a member of the direction of the parliamentary group, has resorted to the bulge that the PP has never voted against the revaluation of pensions. Olano has assured that saying such a thing “is to treat the Spaniards by idiots.” But in 2021 the PP voted against the first pension reform of the previous coalition government. A text that set by law the rise in pensions based on CPI.
The deputy, who has replaced Juan Bravo in the defense of the initial ‘no’ of the PP, has recognized that they reject the same text. “We do not like the Royal Decree Law” and recalled that the party has “requested from the Court of Accounts a report in case there are accounting responsibilities” in the return of a building in Paris to the PNV. Olano has delved into the open anger between the PP and the Basque party and has told the deputy Idoia Sagastizabal that “of relations with classical fascism the PNV cannot give lessons.” “He demanded that he withdraw his words by linking the PP with the Gestapo,” he concluded.
#Congress #approves #increase #pensions #aid #public #transport #attempt