Them complaints that public workers and workers in the labor sphere Generalitat It’s shoot. According to a CGT report Catalonia ambits of Government to which you have access Publichas experienced a growth of 354% in five darrers. Concretely, the 40 registered in 2020 have changed to 178 since 2024 began. The union organization qualifies the prevention mechanisms actuals com a “molt deficients”.
Just as I retrieved the document, the data shows a dynamic change important from 2021at the moment when a period is over and between 40 and 50 complaints are registered annually, forgive the exponential growth for which they claim “really effective measures”. The person who claims to be the person affected in 2.9% of the cases is a third person, but the origin has only been reported since 2022.
48% of complaints have been filed Department of Education i 23% al’Catalan Health Institute (ICS)follows 7.25% to Justice i 4.29% a Inside. The data are much more pronounced here, with 71.35% being in Education, a total of 127, more than the entire Catalan administration. The complaints of the staff of educational centers have multiplied by more than five since 2017, and only the recusals have occurred at the end of early September.
Three out of every four are not admitted to processing
You give them facilities Department of the Presidency It also reflects that the vast majority of complaints are not admitted to processing. In fact, an absolute and percentual increase in inadmissibility is seen in the darrers anys, as more complaints are registered. Specifically, it goes from 50% of admissions in 2019 to 15% in 2023 and 14.6% in 2019.
CGT sees “worrying” that the 72.4% The complaints have not been processed, “based mostly on discretionary criteria.” Those that are processed become evaluated in a investigation commission: in els darrers cinc anys, tan sols ha observat assets indexes in a 2.4% of denouncing them.

Pel que fa als motius, les dades assenyalen three great causes: “list of non-constitutive conducts” (125), “manca d’elements definitoris” (111) and “altres” (90). The union “substantiates” that some of the reasons for inadmissibility of asset complaints are “the existence of hostile or asset conduct has been ruled out”, “is missing the object” or “does not provide identifying information about the possible asset holder (PA).”
The proposals of the CGT
When it comes to identifying the causes that have brought the educational system to the cradle of the State and to the daltabaix of the PISA teststhe union believed that an “important part” is due to a “vertical and centralist educational model.” Write down two reasons regarding the other communities: l'”“chronic underfinancing” i l’augment del power of the “sense fiscalització” directions. “They hide a large part of the seus cloisters, an other singularity that is not donated to the other territory of the State,” they criticize.
Remember that this model of governance was popular in the government of Margaret Thatcherand “promoted competition between centers for student enrollment and teacher loyalty in direction.” “Paradoxally, some decrees that seek the stability of cloisters have generated the opposite situation,” he said. Aim for them cloister canvis after reporting evils praxissince the managements have “power to select personnel there at their discretion.”
At the same time, the union demands to guarantee the “correct application” of the protocol against assets. Considers it “urgent” that the Secretary of Administration and Public Function “revisi fons els criteris d’admissió a tràmit, deixi de revictimizar las personas que se patint assetjament i no encobreixi los personas assetsjadores.” Finally, they demand “returning democracy to the educational centers” with the “immediate repeal” of the decrees on staff, management and autonomy of schools “that allow the management to change and defer in the centers.
#Complaints #labor #assets #Generalitat #disparate #years