Today the spring arrives and with it the problems for millions of Spaniards: the allergies. In addition, as they warn from the Spanish Society of Allergology (Seaic), each time the impact of allergies on the population is greater by three reasons: Contamination, Climate Change … and persistent rains.
Thus, this year it is expected that, on the occasion of the high temperatures that have been recorded during the winter and the large amount of rainfall in the month of March, the pollen will maintain more time in the environment, which can cause the symptoms of the allergy to be more persistent.
Allergic diseases already affect 40% of the population and could increase in the next decades until it affects more than half of the people. According to SEAIC, it is expected that more than a third of the world population develops respiratory allergy, with pólenes as one of the most common awareness.
In this sense, he warned Darío AntolinVice President of the SEAIC and member of the Allergy Working Group on the Environment, Climate Change and Contamination are aggravating the symptoms of allergic people. The Seaic expert explained that the increase in temperatures and contamination by nitrogen dioxide (no₂) and suspended particles (PM2.5) “Lot the protective barrier of the nasal and ocular mucosa, facilitating the penetration of pollen and other aeroallergens.”
In addition, extreme meteorological phenomena, such as droughts, thunderstorms and strong winds, favor the dispersion of pollen and fungal spores, which increases the risk of serious asthmatic crises.
“He Climate change is lengthening pollination seasons and increasing the production of allergens in pollen grains, which aggravates patient symptoms and favors the appearance of new allergies, ”said Antolin.
In a sense, he said that climate change can be considered as a relevant factor in the allerguas.
Contamination and climate change are generating significant changes both inside the body, affecting the metabolism and the way in which allergens are processed, as in the outer environment, which favors that a person who was not allergic develops allergies or has a greater probability of doing so. In addition, those who already suffer from allergies experience a greater pathological load and develop more associated diseases, experts said ..
In this sense, there is a global project that involves WHOto the World Allergy Society and other organizations. It is, said Arantza Vega, elected president of the Seaic, of the concept of One Health or “unique health”, which defends that human health is closely linked to the health of the planet, animal health, plant health and that of all ecosystems. If we fail to achieve balance and enhance health at the global level, the human being will not be able to maintain their well -being sustainably.
The SEAIC Clinical Aerobiology Committee has used temperature, rainfall and humidity data of the State Meteorology Agency to predict the intensity of spring in different geographical areas. In the peninsular center, the most relevant polenes will be those of grasses, olive trees, shadow banana and couples.
The allergy goes for neighborhoods
As presented Juan José ZapataPresident of the Seaic Clinical Aerobiology Committee, the Cupresáceas have registered the first peaks in the first quarter of the year, with unequal behavior. In Madrid they advanced, while in Granada they were delayed.
As for the shadow banana, he indicated that his pollination is being delayed by the rains, but the rainfall is expected to increase once.
Finally, he indicated in relation to grasses, that the concentration will vary according to the region. Less than 1,000 grains/m³ are expected in Teruel, Zaragoza and Huesca; more than 5,000 in Toledo and Ciudad Real; and more than 3,000 in Madrid. In Castilla y León, spring will be moderate, while in Aragon and some areas of Castilla-La Mancha, a slightest season is expected.
Insufficient allergologists
With the increase and complexity of allergies, the role of the allergologist is key. “The allergic patient today is much more complex and usually has multiple sensitization, which requires a specialized approach,” said Arantza Vega.
The allergology specialty does not focus on a single organ, but also addresses the disease. However, your teaching remains insufficient in many medicine programs, which hinders the incorporation of specialists in some regions.
Vega said it is well known that our country faces a deficit of doctors in many specialties, and allergology is no exception. In some areas, the endowment of allergologists is sufficient, as in Madrid, although unequally among the different hospitals. However, in other regions the lack of specialists is remarkable.
«An example to highlight is the recent incorporation of First allergology service in the public health of the Balearic Islands, which has been in operation for just one or two years. Until then, allergic patients in this community did not have a specialist in the public health system, something difficult to understand since allergies affect multiple organism systems, including the respiratory, digestive, cutaneous and food ».
He also stressed that the allergologist is the professional trained to address these pathologies in an integral way. «It makes no sense that a patient has to go to several specialists when a single professional can offer complete treatment. It is essential to balance the distribution of allergologists, since within the same autonomous community there may be well -equipped hospitals and others with insufficient resources to meet the growing demand of allergic patients ».
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