Circularcaps, the recycling system of coffee capsules used both plastic and aluminum, expands its network in Spain with 1,300 new collection points in 2024 and exceeds 7,200 points throughout the national territory, serving more than 42 million people.
Specifically, the non -profit organization has 7,215 capsules collection points with presence in all Spanish provinces as a result of the established agreements with 193 collaborators, among which are public administrations and retailers.
In the words of Alberto Vega, president of the organization, «in CircularCaps we work with a very clear goal: to make the recycling of capsules an accessible and habitual practice that we can all easily adopt. Therefore, the year 2024 has been a new step forward in the construction of a more sustainable future. Thanks to the collaboration of all citizens and the commitment of municipalities, distributors and points of sale from all over Spain, we have tripled the number of collection points of used coffee capsules, going from the 2,400 points in the year 2021 to 7,215. These data consolidate a wide capillarity that, without a doubt, facilitates recycling and promotes the active participation of the community ».
Distribution of collection points
The distribution of circularcaps collection points by autonomous communities is led by Catalonia, which has 1,922 points, followed by the Community of Madrid, with 999, and the Basque Country with 715 points. The fourth place is occupied by the Valencian Community, with 580 points, the fifth corresponds to Andalusia, with 459, and the sixth place is held by Aragon with 346 capsules reception points.
Likewise, among the agreements signed in 2024, those established with retailers such as Eroski and BM Supermarkets, which have added more than 700 new capsules deposit points, and those established with the municipalities of Fuenlabrada and Velilla de San Antonio in Madrid, of Carballo in A Coruña, from Peralta de Alcofea in Huesca and Soulssora in Castellón.
CircularCaps began its activity in July 2021 with about 2,400 collection points and presence in all Spanish provinces. Since then, the entity has tripled the number of these points reaching 7,215 in 2024.
To facilitate the search for collection points, CircularCaps has a search engine housed on your website which makes it easily identifying the place of delivery of used coffee or aluminum coffee capsules closer to the consumer.
Collaborative recycling
CircularCaps is a non -profit organization that, under the impulse of the Spanish Coffee Association (AECAFÉ), is born with the aim of creating, developing and managing an ambitious collective system of collection and recycling of used coffee capsules.
It offers a recycling process of used coffee capsules, both aluminum and plastic, which guarantees a comprehensive and circular solution to this type of waste. The recycling system is based on a collaborative model between the consumer, distribution, local administrations and companies in the sector.
Circularcaps not only collects and transforms capsules materials, whether plastic or aluminum, but also gives them a new life. Recycled plastic is reused to create products such as pots or urban furniture, while aluminum is transformed into bicycles or portamines. Even coffee grounds have a purpose: they become a fertilizer, taking advantage of their wealth in nutrients for agriculture.
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