Church | Finns wanted to be ordained as priests without women – Decision: Their mission organizations are allowed to keep their positions

The concept of office of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church is that other than men can serve as priests. Sley and Sekl and the Church of Inker take a critical view of female priesthood.

Two The missionary organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland may keep its status as a missionary organization despite contract violations, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland informs. The contract violations are related to the separate ordinations of Finnish priests in Russia at the Church of Inker.

The Bishops’ Conference considers the reports given by the two mission organizations on the corrective measures for the breach of contract to be partly incomplete in a way that seriously endangers the status of the organizations as contract organizations of the church.

However, the Bishops’ Conference does not propose to the Church Council the loss of their mission organization status. The basis for the decision is that the organizations signed up to commit to most of the required corrective measures.

Conference of bishops stated that the Finnish Lutheran Evangelical Association (Sley) and the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran People’s Mission (Sekl) committed a breach of contract after their employees were ordained as priests in Inker’s church, where only men can serve as priests.

Separate ordination means an occasion where men who do not want to be ordained at the same time as women are ordained as priests.

The Bishops’ Conference discussed the findings at its meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday in Åland.

Conference of Bishops stated in the meeting that if Sley and Sekl act in the future in violation of the broadcast’s basic contract and basic guidelines, the bishops’ meeting will start the procedure for canceling the contract immediately.

The Bishops’ Conference was of the opinion that contractual organizations are responsible for the activities of their employees both in Finland and abroad. According to the bishops’ conference, this also applies to priestly ordinations both at home and abroad.

The motion to allow Sley and Sekl to retain their status as missionary organizations won 7-3. Bishop Mari Leppänenthe archbishop Tapio Luoma and the bishop Mari Parkkinen left a dissenting opinion on the decision.

Conference of Bishops asked the boards of the organizations for decisions on corrective measures for the breach of contract by the end of May. The reports were received within the deadline.

In the opinion of the bishops’ conference, the organizations have come as far against the priestly ordination practices of the Finnish Evangelical Lutherans as their own concept of office, self-understanding and the decisions of the institutions allow.

The concept of office of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church is that other than men can serve as priests. Sley and Sekl and the Church of Inker take a critical view of female priesthood.

The Inker Church operating in Russia is a Lutheran church born in the 17th century, with which the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church has a cooperation agreement. The priestly ordinations of the Inkeri Church have strained the relations between the Inkeri Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland for a long time.

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