Since the electric light service is one of the most expensive in Mexico, a legislative initiative in the Senate of the Republic so that people who belong to vulnerable groups in Mexico, such as the elderly, pay less on their electricity bill from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
They are the senators of the Labor Party (PT), Genoveva Bañuelos de la Torre, Cora Cecilia Pinedo Alonso and Joel Padilla Peña those who are promoting in the Congress of the Union an initiative so that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) of a 50% discount in the electricity bill to people who belong to groups considered vulnerable, among which the elderly stand out.
It is in this way that, through a reform to article 4 of the Mexican Constitutionthe PT senators seek to charge only half of the price on the electricity bill issued by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
In this sense, the legislators of the lower house of the Federal Legislative Branch have as their objective the ensure the right to electrical energy as a safe, uninterrupted and economic service.
In this vein, the PT members emphasized that access to electricity should not be considered a luxury, but rather a basic need, especially for those who are in vulnerable conditions.
It is worth mentioning that, so far, the initiative presented by the senators of the Labor Party (PT) to give a 50% discount on the CFE electricity bill to seniors It is being reviewed in the Constitutional Points and Legislative Studies Commissions, so it is expected to be approved in the coming weeks..
The subsidy comes into force in Sonora
Was starting April 1, 2024 when the application of the special subsidy on the electricity bill issued by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in the state of Sonora.
Under this context, according to the agreement published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), in the state of Sonora, starting on the first day of this month, the 1F rate will be applied to the electricity bill of the electric company of the Mexican state.
As indicated on the official website of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), the requirement for the 1F application on the electricity bill is that the average monthly temperature is at least 33 degrees Celsius.
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