Workers’ Commissions (CCOO) has urged the Government to convey to the economic and social agents the proposal on the total or partial forgiveness of the debt contracted with the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA), raised this Friday at the Conference of Presidents held in Santander.
Furthermore, as the union highlights in a statement, will urge the autonomous communities to take a position on this issue and will demand that they convene social dialogue frameworks in their respective territories.
Thus, CCOO will request the Government, as well as the regional governments, for tripartite meetings to learn about the proposal on debt forgiveness and thus “clarifying” the position of each administration.
The union highlights that the proposal to advance an agreement that allows the forgiveness of all or part of the debt that the CCAA contracted with the State after the financial crisis of 2008, “It is a necessary condition, although not sufficient, to renew the regional financing model and guarantee adequate financing of essential public services.”
This is why CCOO advocates that a tax reform also be carried out, to place Spain “in the best position to address the renewal of the regional financing model.”
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