The president of the Board, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, has reiterated the impulse of Leader projects for the period 2023-2027, with the aim of continuing to generate wealth and sustainable development, and favor the quality of life. The Board has supported 4,100 Leader projects between 2014 and 2020, with aid for 141 million euros, which have allowed to create 2,600 new jobs and maintain more than 16,000.
Mañueco has participated today in Tordesillas, Valladolid, in the I Edition of the Leader Awards, where he has reaffirmed the commitment of the regional executive with the development and quality of life of the rural environment of the community.
These awards They recognize the active work of local action groups – in the more than 2,200 municipalities, which cover 97 % of the total area of Castilla y León, where 44 % of the population resides – in the planning and execution of strategies and projects in favor of the peoples, with the support of public resources.
Fernández Mañueco highlighted the success of the Leader program and its 4,100 projects, to which the Junta de Castilla y León has supported to date through Aid worth 141 million euros For a total investment of 500 million. These initiatives have allowed to create 2,600 jobs and maintain more than 16,000 in the rural environment of the community. Each euro of help Leader has generated 3.5 euros of investment.
Within the Leader program, which includes a total investment of 98 million euros, the Board doubles its contribution from 14 % to 33 % for the 2023-2027 period to boost projects of the local action groups existing in Castilla y León.
Fernández Mañueco has indicated that the goal is to follow promoting employment, growth, social inclusion and sustainable development in rural areas, and thus turn them into future spaces, attractions for new investments and to set population.
On the other hand, the Junta de Castilla y León continues to bet firmly through the rural environment of the community, investing in projects, improving public services throughout the territory and offering favorable taxation. In addition, the head of the Autonomic Executive has influenced the need for that farmers and farmers are allowed to produce in equality, With the same controls and guarantees of the products, adequate prices and without unfair competition.
Fernández Mañueco stressed that all winners are an example for future generations and has valued his work, both in innovation and in effortto achieve a more prosperous and sustainable rural environment. The president of the Board has delivered the ‘A Life Leader’ award to Petra García García, for his dedication to public service and for constituting a reference in the role that women play in the rural environment.
The rest of the awards in this I edition of the Leader Awards have fallen to Sandra Gómez González, in the category ‘Young people with future Leader’; Terrabuey, ‘SME Rural Leader Tourism’; Cuisine of ideas in nature, ‘SME Rural Leader Agrifood’; Biocosmetics amapola, ‘SME Rural Leader Industry and Services’; the City Council of Rioseco de Soria, ‘Vivos Leader villages’; the City Council of Santa Colomba de Somoza (León), ‘Social Plus Leader Prize’; the Trino project (Rural Interior and Ornithology Tourism), ‘Cooperation Leader’; and Javier Pérez de Andrés, ‘Leader Communication’.
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