Can someone stop this?

The main opposition party lacks a tactical and strategic direction and its only political practice is to destroy any government initiative. The performance of its leader is increasingly erratic, contradictory, and not infrequently lying and undemocratic, and in the party leadership there are beginning to be more and more those who think that with Feijóo as the head of the list the PP may once again be frustrated. his project to take over the presidency of the Government

It’s true. There is no visible threat of any coup d’état. There is a certain political balance, the Government is not immediately threatened and the institutions work, poorly or well. The economic situation is positive and consumption and investment are increasing somewhat, although millions of Spaniards live very poorly. Therefore, the situation is not out of control. However, there are too many signs, and some very serious, that the public thing is getting out of hand, that an unforeseen crash would be enough for it to get seriously out of hand.

The DANA of Valencia, beyond its catastrophic results, has shown something unthinkable: that an autonomous government, with its enormous powers, has been worth absolutely nothing and that it was in the hands of people who should never have held public office. How many are in similar conditions? What kind of people rule in Spain? Who and why are they chosen? Is some type of renewal possible to improve in view of how the large political parties work? Is it a problem that only affects those on the right?

Fake news and hoaxes proliferate without restraint and are followed by millions of citizens in all cities and surely believed by many of them. A legion of pseudo-intellectuals, opinion makers for ignorant people and opportunists of all stripes, often from the extreme right, have a growing role in the media, the new ones and some of the usual ones. Because they know how to attract attention, that’s what they do, and they have fun. But they also erode, day after day, some of the principles on which coexistence is based and they also destroy, almost always without solid arguments and only with rude disqualifications, the public image of leaders, which every society needs. Of course, in exchange for money.

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, the thinking brain of the powerful Community of Madrid, has threatened to take the State Attorney General “forward” because he has said that he could file a complaint against him. This is how they spent it in the American Far West and in the flag quarters of the fascist armies. And no one has said anything.

Nor has much importance been given to the fact that a brainless man hit Pedro Sánchez on the back with a shovel during the Paiporta altercations, leaving him quite shaken, as revealed by the images immediately after the incident that showed the president walking with serious difficulties. Then, they broke the windows of his car. Of course: more than one right-wing commentator said on TV that Sánchez, unlike the king, had not had the courage to stay, that he had fled.

There are increasingly frequent and eloquent signs that the wave of far-right or anti-democratic radicalization is growing. Especially among young people and very young people, but also among groups of other ages. There are those who console themselves by saying that the same thing is happening in many of the countries of rich Europe. Others add that Spain will be contained within the limits, minority but not small, that they now have, while in Spain the extreme right lacks a leader with charisma and power. But history teaches that these leaders appear when least expected… if there are environmental and political conditions for it. And here there begin to be.

A group of judges, including some of the most in charge, remain unleashed in their particular campaign to overthrow the left-wing government. They shamelessly manipulate laws and procedures for these purposes. And a good part of their union, the most conservative that exists in the State apparatus, follows them or at least does not criticize them.

The main opposition party lacks a tactical and strategic direction and its only political practice is to destroy any government initiative. The performance of its leader is increasingly erratic, contradictory, and not infrequently lying and undemocratic, and in the party leadership there are beginning to be more and more those who think that with Feijóo as the head of the list the PP may once again be frustrated. his project to take over the presidency of the Government. A crisis within the party and a fight to replace Feijóo appear increasingly likely in the medium term.

None of the elements mentioned so far can cause a crisis on its own, no matter how acute it becomes. It would be another thing if several of them came together and the public order and relative social peace that currently exists would radically change direction.

In other words, for the moment there is no need to raise any alarm. But it is advisable to pay attention to the evolution of events. Spain does not live on a volcano, but it cannot be ruled out that an eruption like those that have been recorded in our past may occur in the future. It would be appropriate for those who can do so, and it is not very clear who they are, to react to stop undesirable drifts in the aforementioned chapters.


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