It will be approved in 2025 and contemplates promoting massive identification campaigns for dogs, cats and birds
The animal welfare law will have a plan to boost your measureswhere awareness campaigns will be carried out against the abandonment or mass identification of pets. Pablo Bustinduy, Minister of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030, announced this Thursday that he is going to launch the first State Action Plan against the Abandonment of Pet Animals and to Promote Adoption.
The measures that will make up the plan are still being developed, although according to the minister special emphasis will be placed on the need to carry out a mass identification of animals domestic animals throughout the territory, through microchips for dogs, cats and ferrets, or rings for birds, something that is already mandatory. However, estimates suggest that the majority of pets are outside official controlas they are not identified. A study prior to the approval of the animal welfare law estimated that 27.7% of dogs identified with a microchip arrived at shelters, while in the case of cats the figure fell to 4.3%.
In addition, the ministry will develop regulations to improve control of pet breeding activities and try to prevent out-of-control pets. Adoption will be promoted with a new strategy and awareness campaigns.
The plan will have a financial endowmentsince aid will be offered to entities dedicated to the protection and shelter of animals that are abandoned.
#Bustinduy #announces #plan #enforce #animal #welfare #law