Hello, I hope you are well and what a pleasure to greet you, today I want to tell you a little about the bronchiolitiswhich in short is the first time in which a child presents wheezing and a feverish condition infants or children from the 1st month to the 24th month of life.
The problem of bronchiolitis is to find a correct diagnosis and I will explain it to you a little better, within the pathologies that affect the childrenof the most feared are the sepsis and neonatal pneumoniabut the neonate begins from birth to the first month of life, the problem with these diseases is that they can be fatal, hence the importance of diagnosing them correctly, because they are mostly caused by bacteria. Instead the bronchiolitis It is of viral origin, mainly respiratory syncytial virus, and like many other diseases that I have told you, antibiotics do not work to kill a virus, since it is like trying to kill Superman with a copper bullet, in which case you would use a bullet of kryptonite which is in this case giving an antiviral , but for a respiratory tract disease, as common as the flu in adults, it is better to use a symptomatic treatment, and for these children the only thing is to adequately monitor their hydration and nutrition, please it must entirely be through the breast, not formula, minimum the first 6 months, in case the case of bronchiolitis becomes complicated, such as lasting more than a week, if it is less than 3 months old, if the child struggles a lot to breathe, if the mother sees that she is not breathing well or he suffocates, or changes color, then he has to be taken to the hospital to be hospitalized, since that is where the best timely treatment can be given to the child, and as treatment, we continue with the same line, supplemental oxygen so that the child breathe well, and take care that we do not become dehydrated or rather, take care of the fluid balance, from then on there would not be much more to worry about. There are many more lines of treatment that can be used, but they are not really relevant as to whether there is clinical improvement, whether they really have adequate effectiveness for their cost-benefit, and others that are simply not used, antibiotics again, and They are only used if the child now has a bacterial infection secondary to bronchiolitis.
The role of the first contact doctor is to clear up any doubts that the mother has, especially if it is the first child she has had, or the first time the baby gets sick, and that is why she must be educated, and education consists of a proper cleanliness of the baby’s nose, to remove the mucus that accumulates, how to perform proper nasal cleansing, also how to nebulize the child, with 0.9% saline solution without the need to add anything else, in which case if the child has history of asthma we can use bronchodilators, such as salbutamol, and if there is improvement, it is a syndrome of bronchial hyperreactivity, and if it does not improve we withdraw the salbutamol, and continue with normal nebulizations, also teach the mother that if the child begins to get complicated and She sees that he is not breathing well, that he turns blue, that he struggles and makes a lot of effort to breathe, she must take him to the hospital because his illness is getting complicated.
I hope this helps you, nice to meet you, remember this does not replace a medical consultation, if you have any questions, go to your trusted doctor, see you next week.
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