The breast cysts are round bags full of liquid located inside the breast, filled with liquid and usually benign. Any woman can have breast cysts although she is more common in women who have already reached menopause. In general, they do not need treatment except if they are painful.
Causes of the breast cyst
Liquid accumulation
The breasts have a glands and when there is an excessive presence of liquids in them the cysts appear. They are usually classified by size (microquystems and macroquystees). The original cause of the appearance of the cysts has not been found.
Mammary cyst symptoms
Bulk in the breast
The most obvious symptoms of the appearance of breast cysts are these:
– Detection of a rounded and soft lump.
– Possible mastalgia.
– The breast increases in size.
– Pain in the breast days before menstruation.
Diagnosis of the breast cyst
Physical exam and ultrasound
The doctor performs a physical examination of the breast to warn if there is any lump that can indicate the appearance of the cyst. In parallel, you will ask for a mammogram and ultrasound. Depending on those that doctors can see in these tests, sometimes we must also perform a magnetic resonance (RM) and a biopsy to analyze the tissue.
Treatment and medication of the breast cyst
No treatment
Do not perform any treatment in the case of simple cysts that do not cause pain and, of course, be benign. They aspire with a fine needle. They may reappear on more than one occasion. Only on very specific occasions surgery is used to extract the cyst. For example, when it appears recurrently every month or when making fluid extractions with needles, traces of blood are seen.
Analgesics can also be recommended.
Breast cyst prevention
Measures to alleviate the effects
There is no prevention for the appearance of cysts, but certain habits can be followed to control their effects. For example, an adequate bra and apply a cold or warm cloth frequently.
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