Breast cancer is not pink, it is brown

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This October 19, like every year, World Breast Cancer Day is celebrated around the world. You will know because, like every year, pastel pink floods everything: networks, advertisements, posters, TV shows, stores and businesses.

Companies and institutions sign up to this obscene marketing campaign where the disease appears softened, sweetened, the color of cotton candy instead of what it is:

An ailment that affects or will affect one in eight women worldwide. In Spain alone, more than 36,000 women are diagnosed every year, and more than 6,700 die annually. But cancer is not pink, survivors, activists and experts denounce: cancer is brown.

A very large and widespread brown, also due to the lack of prevention and monitoring policies, due to the saturation of the public health system. In this program we talk about research and treatments, the day-to-day life of the disease and survival.

You can see the full program on video here:

And we do it by giving this a name, without falling into euphemisms. We are talking about the brown color of having breast cancer. They accompany us Eva Gonzalezprincipal investigator in the Molecular Oncology Program of the National Cancer Research Center and head of the Transformation and Metastasis Group; with Isabel Echavarriamedical oncologist at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital; with Belen Fernandezresponsible for the Observatory of the Spanish Association Against Cancer; and Marina Garciaspokesperson for the Teta&Teta association, which launches the #19deoctubrebrown campaign. In addition, we listen to patients who will tell us about their experience in treating the disease.

And we say goodbye with a new episode of “Zero Inequality” with Oxfam Intermón together with its head of social protection and employment policies, Alejandro García-Gilwho presents us the report “Working Poverty: when working is not enough to make ends meet”. One in ten workers are poor in Spain, a hidden side of employment that mainly affects large families, single mothers and migrants. You can listen to all its sections here.

#Breast #cancer #pink #brown

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