Parents of child who dropped statue that killed Chiara Jaconis investigated
Investigations continue to reconstruct the dynamics of the death of Chiara Jaconis. Most likely the statuette that hit her was thrown by a child, which is why her parents are now being investigated.
Here are the latest updates on the case.
In memory of Chiara Jaconis: a torchlight procession organized in her honor
The signed document showing the last acts of life of Chiara Jaconis, the young 30-year-old who died in a tragic accident in Naples. The girl was walking with her boyfriend in the area of Spanish Quarters when, suddenly, she was hit by a statuette in onyx.

This one fell from a balcony and unfortunately hit the girl who fell to the ground. Chiara even had surgery to try to decompress the affected area, but unfortunately passed away a few hours later.
In the video in question, you can actually see the statuette falling and the girl collapsing to the ground while her boyfriend tries to help her without success. Obviously, this is an event that has affected the entire community, which is why a torchlight procession in memory of the victim. Chiara’s father and sister also attended the event, and they are deeply devastated by the pain.
Was the statuette thrown by a child? The child’s parents are being investigated
In order to try to understand where the statuette that killed Chiara fell from, various sources were examined. videos of the surveillance cameras in the area. Unfortunately, none of these allow us to see where the statuette fell from, but the police decided to reconstruct its trajectory.

According to the latest updates, the responsible of all this would be a child who could have thrown this object from the third floor thus killing Chiara. Obviously we are talking about manslaughter but the child, being a minor, is not responsible.
For this reason the only suspects at the moment are the parents of the child, who are accused of negligence as no one was looking after the little boy while he was carrying out this dangerous act. We await further updates.
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