Boticaria García is very aware of what especially worries women, especially when they are around 40 and even when they are approaching 50. With menopause just around the corner, or even already knocking on the door, the famous popularizer has explained to Juan Ramon Jimenez in your SRWolf podcast what lies behind a very frequent question among the female audience: «Do women gain more weight in menopause?». The answer is not particularly flattering but it does reveal what is behind this assumption and that allows prevention to avoid situations of overweight, “which is not going to happen no matter what,” added the pharmacist and nutritionist-dietitian.
The response has been that, a «yes but no» or a «no but yes». That is to say, it must be stated that when women say goodbye to menstruation, the body experiences countless changes and it does happen that there is a certain predisposition to gain weight more easily, so it would be advisable to take special care of your diet and exercise. Boticaria García reveals that this is because “the arrival of menopause changes the way we live.” store subcutaneous fats». If they normally do not usually have excess fat in the abdominal area, “there are not as many adipocytes, this is because the hormones, estrogens and progestogens, are high.”
These levels usually present such controlled rates “because the body is very wise and protects the area in case a baby arrives, freeing up that space.” However, once the period finally stops, the way the body stores nutrients changes. subcutaneous fatsas noted above. Boticaria García specifies that at that moment “estrogens and progestogens decrease and adipocytes are positioned.” To this he added, to avoid alarmism, that it is not a fact that it will happen “yes or yes, but it is true that we are more predisposed.”
“I’m going to gain weight after 50”
The divulger has shared with Juan Ramon Lucas another “prophecy”, so to speak, and that is that, in general, you are going to “get fatter” from 50». This is because “the cells enter a process of senescence, of senescence, and we begin to have more difficulties in mitigating the problems of inflammation, oxidation… There comes a time when these are more complicated,” he concluded by saying.
This content has been especially followed on the networks, specifically on the @srwolfpodcast Instagram account, where Lucas’ content can be seen. Among the audience were numerous professionals from the nutrition and dietetics who wanted to convey the message that “by closely controlling your diet and with physical activity adapted to your age, it is possible to keep your weight at bay.”
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