The franchise of Boruto: Naruto Next Generation It has gone through some pretty tough times, since it has not been accepted by fans of the original work since there are problems of too much filler until the story finally starts towards something more interesting. Reason why even the author, Masashi Kishimotohad to change the name to Two Blue Vortexand continuing only the manga part, since the production of the anime is being stopped for the moment.
To date, six episodes of the work have been released, with the main part being a confrontation between the protagonist and Mitsuki, who at the beginning of the story volunteered to be the Ninja's companion in the different adventures he has gone through over the years. That means, something epic style was promised. Naruto and Sasuke, with new techniques involved, some have even stood out for being similar to those used in the world created by Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball Z.
In this case, it would be the possibility of flying, since in the episode we see the son of the seventh Hokage He sails through the skies with total normality, implying that during the years of training he has managed to master the chakra to such a point that he can use it to float. That is something that is quite reminiscent of how Goku He discovered the functioning of Ki, this to later learn directly from Kamisama such a fabulous ability to move wherever he wanted without using the flying cloud.
With this new level of techniques in Borutoit is possible that the enemies are even more threatening, since basically no one in this universe would have achieved something like this, only Deidara and his powers of creating paper airplanes with which he moved in the air, but not something as ambitious as flying as is. This is when a turning point is finally noticed, and that Kishimoto He is taking his work more seriously and may the ninja land saga finally have a dignified closure.
Via: M.S.
Editor's note: I was watching the anime, and just when it was getting good the dub chapters ran out, so I'll wait for more to be released on streaming platforms. Meanwhile, One Piece is also giving me content with the Spanish episodes.
#Boruto #learned #skills #Dragon #Ball