The Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business, Carlos Body, has announced a proposal for action plan to advance the so-called ‘Regime 20’ and reduce the bureaucratic burden on companies, which includes the adoption of a new standard ordinance that will favor the replacement of business opening licenses with responsible declarations. At the press conference before the Sectoral Conference for Regulatory Improvement and the Business Climate and the Sectoral Conference on Internal Trade, the minister outlined the action plan that will be on the table for autonomous communities to reduce the bureaucratic burden of the companies.
Just three months ago, the Government and autonomous communities set themselves “joint duties” to advance the implementation of the so-called ‘Regime 20’a proposal in line with the recommendations of Enrico Letta and his report on the EU internal market. Corps has explained that during these months of analysis, “disproportionate” barriers and requirements and administrative burdens have been identified in some specific areas.
Therefore, Firstly, the adoption of a new standard ordinance has been proposed that represents a step towards the elimination of barriers to commercial opening. This ordinance will favor the replacement of opening licenses with responsible declarations, reducing barriers for companies. In addition, this will allow the town councils themselves to have a specific basis to also standardize and simplify their regulations at the local level and monitor the use of this standard ordinance. To this end, a platform will be developed, in collaboration with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), that will compile all local regulations and that will promote this standardization.
Secondly, in the area of commerce, progress will be made towards the implementation of digital labeling, a tool that will allow complete information to be available to all consumers and will be easy to implement for companies, according to the minister. Two specific use cases will initially be addressed: waste recycling labeling and also labeling for accessibility in the case of the blind. “In a second phase, we will work with the autonomous communities to identify potential additional uses for this digital labeling,” said the minister.
Charging points
Furthermore, the minister intends to move forward in reducing barriers in the field of installing charging points for electric vehicles, since a high regulatory heterogeneity has been identified. “It is necessary to reduce uncertainty for citizens in this area,” he emphasized. For this reason, two specific actions have been proposed. On the one hand, reduce the requirements linked to the authorization for the physical establishment of these charging points, such as the requirement of numerous prior reports or long approval times. Thus, as a first step, two royal decrees will be modified that will guide the necessary requirements to accelerate these authorization processes. Furthermore, the minister has indicated that the figure of the competent technician to connect these charging points to the network has not yet been defined. Therefore, the definition of this competent technical profile will be clarified in the draft industry law and will allow, through subsequent regulatory development, to homogenize, simplify and advance in standardization of the installation of charging points for electric vehicles. .
In addition, Progress will be made in the area of clarifying the necessary figure of the technicians who are competent to prepare and sign the energy efficiency license certificates for buildings This proposes the modification of a royal decree that will accelerate the deadlines for the construction of energy efficient homes. The specific development of the types of professionals that can give rise to these energy efficiency certificates will be carried out by the Ministry of Ecological Transition at a technical level.
The minister has announced that tomorrow he will present, together with the Minister of Digital Transformation, a tool to simplify the interaction of companies with the administration, reducing their administrative and bureaucratic burden and freeing up productive hours especially for SMEs.
All these initiatives are part of that first action plan to implement ‘Regime 20’ in Spainalthough the objective is to develop and expand the project in the coming months jointly with all the actors involved. In any case, the head of the Economy hopes that as early as 2025 there will be concrete elements that can begin to benefit companies in this reduction or simplification of administrative barriers. In fact, Corps has announced that the next meeting of this Conference will be held in the month of June, where progress and the evaluation of the impact of the actions that have already been taken can be taken note of.
#Body #proposes #CCAA #common #action #plan #reduce #bureaucratic #burden #companies