There is already a date and rates to start using the new service. Electric bizi in Zaragoza. It will be the day January 15 when it will be operational, although previously, starting this Thursday, January 9, registrations can be made to use it through the website and, from January 13, in the app for iOS and Android.
The new Bizi electric public service will begin to operate with a total of 1,080 pedal-assisted bicycles and 108 stationsbeing available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
The registration period, that is, registering for the service, will open at the same time for all citizens, including the 7,278 former public bike users who have shown their willingness to join the new service.
At the time of registration, the user must choose subscription plan that you prefer depending on the frequency of use of the electric public bike. However, in this first year, while all the planned deployment is completed, special discounted rates have been established.
An annual subscription has been established, as well as monthly and daily bonuses, apart from being possible to choose a single trip for sporadic use. Specifically, in 2025, users who subscribe in this first stage will pay these amounts:
- Annual subscription: 30 euros. This amount will entitle you to use Bizi Zaragoza for 365 days from the activation date. Keep in mind that the first 30 minutes of each use are free in order to encourage rotation. After half an hour of use, you will pay for the additional time.
- Monthly subscription: 10 euros per month. This rate allows you to use the service for 31 consecutive days from activation. Like the previous one, the first 30 minutes of use are free, having to pay for additional time.
- day pass: 1 euro. The public bike can be used for 24 hours from activation. In this case, in the first year, the first 30 minutes are also free. Additional time must be paid as in the rest of the rates.
- Simple trip: 0.50 euros. Allows you to use the bicycle for 30 minutes. In addition, the amount of one euro is established for a time between 30 minutes and one hour and five euros for every 30 minutes after one hour of use.
The new service contract It was awarded last March to the UTE Serveo Servicios and PBSC Urban Solutions for a period of 10 years. for an amount of 45,936,636 euros (without VAT), 18.7 million less than the tender budget. The contract includes both the supply of the bicycles, their batteries and stations and their assembly, as well as the management, maintenance and necessary supplies.
The implementation of this service has aid of 6,572,918 euros from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the European Union-NextGeneration EU. The rest is financed with municipal funds. The draft budget for 2025 incorporates an item of 11.4 million euros for deployment to all districts of the city.
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