Hours of Fear in Casoria: Biagio and Domenico Santorelli, 16 and 14 years old, have been missing for two days
Casoria, a town in the Neapolitan hinterland, is shocked by the terrible news of these last hours. For two days, traces of Biagio and Domenico Santoriellotwo brothers aged 14 and 16. The two boys disappeared on the evening of Wednesday 18 September and since then there has been no news of them. An entire community lives in anguish, while the searches intensify and the appeals multiply.
The hours that pass make the atmosphere increasingly tense in this city north of Naples. The parents of the boys, along with relatives and friends, have launched repeated appeals on social networks, hoping that someone can provide useful information. The appeal continues by providing details on how the two brothers were dressed at the time of their disappearance: Biagio was wearing a black and white T-shirt and Bermuda shorts, while Domenico was wearing a beige tracksuit with a white shirt.

The concern is palpable, fueled by the uncertainty about the fate of the two teenagers. Not only families and friends, but the entire community has mobilized. Even the SSC Casoria 1979a local soccer team, has spread a message to help with the search. The team’s appeal has been shared hundreds of times, and the hope is that these initiatives will lead to some decisive reports.
Law enforcement is working tirelessly to find the two young men, and anyone with information is urged to contact them immediately. At this time, there are no official details that shed light on what may have happened, fueling the sense of helplessness and desperation that envelops the community.
Every minute that passes increases the apprehension. Where have Biagio and Domenico gone? Did they go away voluntarily, or did something more serious happen? These are questions that relentlessly hammer the minds of those who know them, but also of those who, despite knowing nothing about them, experience this story as a collective wound.

Casoria hopes, prays and gathers around the Santoriello family, waiting for news that can put an end to this nightmare.
Read also: They say goodbye to their parents and disappear, hours of anxiety for two 16-year-old teenagers: where could they be?
#Biagio #Domenico #Santoriello #brothers #aged #disappeared #thin #air #Wednesday #September