Belinda cancels his duet with Registered Trademarkthis after the vocalist Fidel Castro made a joke about her where she would be seen as an advantageous woman, which is why many Internet users remembered the controversy she had when she ended up with Christian Nodal in the past which caused reactions of all kinds.
The video circulates on social networks where Fidel Castro He speaks with a TikTok reporter to whom he jokingly tells that he is not going to get a tattoo, much less handing out money, referring to Belinda who, according to what he already found out about the gossip, canceled his participation in Marca Registrada with whom he was going to have a duet.
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For those who don’t know Fidel Castro Not only had he already made the song with Belinda, but they had both lived together, since on social networks they shared photos and videos of how they spent it with the Luz sin Gravedad performer, who has now canceled their participation with this duet with which Registered Trademark could have had a great reach.
“Since he said there was no money, that’s why he canceled”, “How sad it makes me feel that women disapprove of Belinda being offended”, “I mean, with that comment he said that Lupillo gave money to Belinda??? comment… it’s good that Belinda canceled the duet”, “Of course why she says they don’t have money to distribute. She made it clear that she is interested, that’s why Beli got angry,” the networks write.
It is worth mentioning that so far Belinda has not commented anything about it, but what is a fact is that the pop singer continues to work very hard, because she wants to continue being one of the most popular artists in the field, that is why she is working with all genders.
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