Belén Esteban has abandoned live the set of Nor we were After an intervention by Gonzalo Vázquez. The collaborator has decided to retire after a question that was not heard on the screen, since at that time the program was playing a video of NIA Correia. However, his reaction has been live: he has remained silent, the microphone has been removed and has left the study without a word, leaving his baffled classmates.
At the end of the clip, The journalist has been heard trying to justify his intervention. “I didn’t even refer to your daughter. I asked you an objective, journalistic question and based on something you told in the Christmas season,” I told Esteban.
Before the obvious anger of the collaborator, María Patiño, witness of the moment, He has tried to appease the situation and make his colleague reflect. “I promise you that, being objective, I have not seen that I have made a concrete reference. He has asked a logical question,” he said.
“At no time did I make a value trial, at no time did I do anything … if it hurts, I apologize […] That I do not know the 20 years of history does not mean that I cannot ask a question with respect, but you At Christmas you commented that there were children of First and Children of Second. I apologize if it bothered you, “Vázquez insisted. Despite this, Esteban has preferred not to respond and has chosen to leave.
The incident has generated an intense debate among the Tertulians, with Patiño reiterating his support for his friend, but At the same time supporting Vázquez: “She is my friend and has not asked her any questions out of place.” The communicator, before such a perceal, has expressed his confusion: “Why do I have to be the only one that is silent?”
After what happened, Patiño has left in search of Esteban with the intention of convincing her to return to space, but his attempt has not had an effect immediately. Meanwhile, on the set, Vázquez, visibly excited, has ended with tears in his eyes. Finally, the collaborator has returned and her partner He has hugged her before heading to Vázquez to apologize: “Excuse me, Gonzalo”.
Minutes later, the reason for the susceptibility of the ‘Patroness’ has been better understood. Just before this episode, in the same format a statement of María José Campanario had been read in which he expressed his discomfort for the comments about his family and the way in which his son on television is discussed.
In addition, he warned the media about the consequences of publishing images of Alejandro, who is about to reach the age of majority. Declarations have visibly affected Bethlehem Estebanwhich has played Vázquez’s question as a new allusion to an issue that had already altered it minutes before.
“When they turn 18, cars are bought from all but one. For that I am, of course […] I think they have done very well. I really say it. Maria José and Jesus, I say it from the heart but there are not three there are four. I do not put her because in the other it has nothing to do, “he has settled.
Denies that the series is being filmed about your life
In addition, Belén Esteban has denied in Magacin the rumors about the filming of the series based on his life. “I don’t want to talk about this issue, because in the end …” he said without deepening. Nevertheless, It has been clear in stating that the project is not yet underway: “It’s a lie, time is missing and when it is going to be said.”
#Belén #Esteban #Abandon #question #Gonzalo #Vázquez #daughter #Andrea