The murder of the children Ruth and José in 2011 at the hands of their father, José Bretóncontinues to shock Spain, a story that has been especially present for a few weeks, when it began to talk about ‘Hate‘, Luisgé Martín’s book where the testimony of the convicted of those deaths is collected. Although the publication should already be in bookstores, its putting on sale has been paralyzed after the proceedings opened by the Prosecutor’s Office of Córdoba, which has sent the case to that of Barcelona, anaogram headquarters, the editorial that is after this title.
Beatriz de Vicente has been in ‘Better late‘(La Sexta) and has commented on it. Cristina Pardo He has asked him the million -dollar question in relation to what is happening – “Can you stop the publication?” And the lawyer has answered high and of course. Vicente has pointed out that it is a complex issue “because there is the confluence of different rights”, referring to the “right to information” or “the right of victims not to be violated in their honor”, among others.
The quid of the matter, according to the lawy Ruth Ortizto which he calls toxic, I think a line is passed and that could be one of the reasons why the Prosecutor’s Office makes a decision or another ». Another important point that has dated Beatriz de Vicente It has been on point 7.8 of the law where the civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family intimacy and the image itself. The ‘Better late’ collaborator has specified that it is stated that “a person condemned by a crime cannot gain fame or make money by counting it, so that will have to be valued in relation to Breton.”
Cristina Pardo wanted to highlight what was specified regarding the family of the mother of the minors. «How is it very delicate. He says he regrets but talks about the reason he kills them is to free them from a toxic family. It’s strong … in the end Revictimizes to his ex -wife, ”he said.
Ruth Ortiz He has spoken with ABC, assuring this newspaper that the sole intention of José Bretón With this book, with the interview he granted to Luisgé Martín, is “hurting me.” He has said that neither the author nor the editorial nor penitentiary institutions has contacted her at any time.
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