Basque Country has notified 34 confirmed cases derived from the measles outbreak that was detected last November in Vizcaya from an imported case. Of these, 16 correspond to health system professionals, as reported on Friday the Department of Health of the Basque Government in a statement.
All cases evolve in a favorable way, the note highlights, which states that the Ministry maintains active the surveillance and monitoring protocol that was established since the detection of the case. They emphasize that it has been this protocol that has allowed the early detection of cases, as well as the study of contacts, valuing the administration of prophylaxis possexposition.
Even so, and with the aim of minimizing transmission, public health temporarily recommends extreme preventive measures, among which includes the use of a mask for both health personnel and patients and companions in health centers, especially in Emergency areas. He also asks to keep the alert in the consultations to find an early diagnosis of any suspicion.
Health authorities focus on vaccination as the best tool to prevent disease. Immunization rates in the Basque Country, explains the note, are 96.79% for the first dose and 92.44% for the second. Health insists on the importance of maintaining vaccination per day, both in adults and children, but asks to review the situation of people who have not received any doses or only one have been administered. In this sense, it focuses on people born in the 70s and 80s, as well as in the people who come from other countries or autonomous communities with lower vaccination coverage.
Measles, remember, transmitted by air, drops and contact with infected secretions and is generally a mild disease. They ask patients that if they have symptoms such as fever and exanthema accompanied by cough, rhinitis or conjunctivitis, telephone with reference health personnel and the mask is used. The period of transmission, they say, covers from the 4 days prior to the appearance of the rash up to 4 days later.
Measles is a mandatory declaration disease that is considered eliminated in our country since 2017, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which implies that the cases that occur are imported from other countries. According to the latest report of the National Center for Epidemiology, since the beginning of the year and until last February 2, a total of 72 cases in Spain have been notified. All confirmed are of imported origin or related to imported cases. It is precisely the Basque Country that has notified the most contagios. A total of 28 have been discarded.
#Basque #Country #notifies #cases #due #measles #outbreak #including #toilets