Already enter Thursday night, the bowels of Gran Canaria Arena were a contrast of emotions. Txus Vidorreta He walked with his chest, assaulted the Tenerife coach by dozens of journalists and even by the national coach, Sergio Scariolofantastic his tan, given the Italian to the historical crushing that has just signed the pupils of the Basque. However, Marcelinho Huertas was the most wanted man, author of an instant classic, an performance, 22 points, six rebounds and six assists, who had only achieved two myths as two myths in the Copa del Rey Sergio Llull and Sasha Djordjevic. Ruborized, the Brazilian had a hard time keeping his eyes to a crowd that, whether he was a friend or enemy, just wanted to congratulate him for his master class at age 41. “I don’t know until this will last,” he replied when asked about his inexplicable longevity.
On the other hand, on the Barça side, the faces were of absolute drama. Joan Peñarroya It seemed like a living dead, a soul in sorrow that he walked through the halls with his face disheveled, without a response, aimlessly to go. His team had just digs his own grave, he had made all the rude mistakes that were expected of him, he could not avoid his unfortunate destiny and now it seems that, the rest of the season will be a hard penance for the Catalans. Guilty themselves, of course, because only a tiny team, without a heart or their own pride, could have moved from making one of the best rooms of its entire season to signing an unprecedented cattle, eliminated from the cup to the first exchange. “My figure is what matters least to me now,” said the coach regarding his future in the club.
Now, Barça has to make draft decisions. The Catalan press states that the club will not make a hot decision on the figure of the coach, which was already about to be fired in January when the team touched not to qualify for a glass that has meant its brain death. Some guilt has Peñarroya, who has been offered a fantastic template that has not been able to cohesive. It is true that the injuries have punished it hard: first it was Laprovittolaone of the team leaders; then Veselythe man who gives meaning to Barca defense; And finally, against Tenerife, the Kevin Pinterthe player with the most character of the group, capable of solving any film and that withdrew for a ugly left shoulder injury that has everyone in suspense.
However, a shield of the Barça category, full of talent and international, cannot depend on three men and, before the canaries, all their sins were uncovered. The attack collapsed, no one was able to step forward with the storm except for isolated actions of Juan Núñez Or Metu, a formula that resulted in thirteen poor points in the decisive last quarter to which, by the way, it came with advantage. The defense was a bowl before Marcelinho’s actions and Fran Guerrafantastic the pivot when attacking and distributing, and Parker, who seemed predestined to pull the car, hid like an scared child. He even failed two consecutive free shots that had given some option to the Catalans, meanwhile, Willy Hernangómezone of the best paid in Europe, observed the sinking from the bench. He only played eight minutes.
Juan Carlos Navarroleader of the sports plot together with Josep Cubells, he said two years ago, after Barça was defeated by Madrid in the semifinals of the Eurolaiga of Kaunas, that everyone, even himself, should assume responsibilities. And it seems that the legend has reached the turn in the fish market, since its last three projects have failed bluntly. TO Jasikevicius He was given full control and ended up turning the costumes into a polvorón; The inexperience of Grimau It caused a similar climate and ended up being called by ‘the bomb’ as an “experiment that went wrong”; And finally Peñarroya, who has followed the path of his predecessors. It seems that the Catalan will end the season, but arrived June, the exit door will be taught except a miracle in the Euroleague.
The truth is that Barça has few bullets left to remedy the campaign. They are seventh in the League and it seems that they will fight until the end to avoid being out of the playoffs, because their irregularity is more than proven. A situation similar to the one living in the Euroleagueninth and in the players, a situation that should avoid at all costs, because if you stay in that position, a game would be played against a draft rival its presence in the qualifiers. Stormy future that awaits Barça from Peñarroyathat arrived with illusion to Gran Canaria and leaves the island made a knead of doubts and disappointment. Involved in the grave and ready to bury.
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