Paper money, as with all material things, wears out with use. At the same time, central banks are manufacturing new billsso the retirement of the old copies is imminent.
In this context, let it be known that not long ago the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) ordered the different banks that have operations in the Mexican national territory to begin retaining certain banknotes that circulate in the market.
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In this way, according to information from the Bank of Mexico (Banxico), they are the bills belonging to 5 families those that, by order of the Mexican central bank, are being withdrawn from the Mexican national market, and are the following:
*Family B (issued in 1993): includes the 50 new peso bill with the image of Nezahualcóyotl, and the 100 new peso bill with the image of former president Plutarco Elías Calles.
*Family C (issued in 1994): includes the 50 new peso bills with the image of José María Morelos y Pavón; that of 100 new pesos with Nezahualcóyotl; that of 200 new pesos with the image of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, and that of 500 new pesos with the image of Ignacio Zaragoza.
*Family D (issued in 1996): the C family designs, with the only change being the name.
*Family D1 (issued in 2001): includes the thousand peso bills with the image of Miguel Hidalgo.
*F Family (issued in 2006): includes the 20 and 50 peso banknotes made of polymer, as well as the 500 peso banknotes with the image of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.
For its part, it should be taken into consideration that not only the aforementioned banknotes will stop circulating in the Mexican market in 2024, but also the metallic coins of the family B and family C coins.
Under this context, family B coins began to circulate in Mexico in 1993, expressed in “new pesos.” For their part, the C family coins were put into circulation starting in 1996, and are expressed in “pesos.”
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