Curious video that has disseminated the Seville FC To celebrate this holiday with your fans Andalusia Day. There are several players from the Autonomous Community that appear in it, starting with the Eternal Jesús Navaswhich this Friday has been awarded the title of favorite son at the gala held at the Teatro de la Maestranza of the Spanish capital.
«Hi, Andalusian, I wanted to wish you a happy day of Andalusia. Congratulations, ”exclaims the former Palacios player. After him, the Cadiz also appears Suso And Lebrija’s striker Isaac Romeroin addition to the goalkeeper of Fuentes de Andalucía Alberto Flores. “Proud of being from the earth,” they all affirm.
The most striking part of the video reaches the end, when it appears Loïc Badéborn in Sèvres, France, but who with a big smile claims his Andalusian identity: «Hello, Sevillists. I could not miss this video. Happy Andalusia Day, which I am also an Andalusian with pure blood «says the Gallic Defense of Sevilla FC.
And Badé feels on earth. It is very rooted in Sevilla and Sevilla FC, to the point that in January rejected a millionaire offer from Aston Villa To stay in Nervión. «Yes I have spoken with him (Monchi), but I have explained the situation and how well I feel. He has been the first to understand it, ”Badé said a few days ago in an interview with ABC in Seville.
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