After the Christmas break, which in the Madrid Assembly lasts the entire month of January, the regional deputies are picking up pace and this Monday they held their first Meeting of Spokespersons of the new year, with a view to the Plenary Session that will be held not this … week, but next, February 6. For that first session, Ayuso’s PP opens the session with an initiative in which it demands the repeal of the Democratic Memory law and completely distances itself from each and every one of the acts that Pedro Sánchez has announced for this year on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Francisco Franco.
The non-legal Proposition urges the regional government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, first of all, to “not participate in ideological activities that aim to break the spirit of harmony that gave rise to the Transition, recover old grudges or compromise the figure of HM the King.
In addition, the repeal of the Democratic Memory law is demanded, “which encourages civil war as a political strategy, artificially divides Spaniards into two irreconcilable sides and turns the governments of the UCD and the PSOE (until 1983) into necessary accomplices of the Francoism, at the same time that it is an exercise in selective amnesia regarding the crimes of the other side and totalitarianism, which was tested in Spain, before exploding in the Second World War.
In this parliamentary initiative of the Assembly, the Ayuso Government is also asked to urge the Sánchez Government “to publicly restore the Transition and its highest legal embodiment, the Constitution, as the cause and origin of the current democratic and freedom system.”
The popular ones maintain that «the Democratic Memory law is approved at the dictate of Bildu, political heirs of a terrorist group that tried to destroy Spanish democracy from the first moment; Like its predecessor, that of Historical Memory, it was approved at the dictate of Podemos and Zapatero.
«The law has among its objectives to investigate an alleged Franco regime after the approval of the Constitution, which represents an interested alteration of the historical truth, the delegitimization of the Spanish Transition, and what is most dangerous: it manipulates History, and sows deliberately created discord in Spanish society, seeking to resurrect civil war. The attempt to make the Royal Post Office, with more than 250 years of history, a symbol of the Franco regime, is the latest example,” denounces the Popular group of the Madrid Assembly.
In addition, Ayuso’s party warns that “the cycle of anti-Franco acts announced by the Sánchez government seeks to divide society based on the political affiliation of parents or grandparents, disapprove of opposition parties, and what is even more serious: compromising the Crown.
“To make matters worse,” they emphasize in the PP initiative, “the program of activities assumes an alleged cause-effect relationship between the death of Francisco Franco and the advent of democracy. The PSOE and Sumar government ignores that democracy did not arise spontaneously and that it was the result of an admirable process of harmony between all political forces and all of Spanish society, whose work was endorsed in a referendum by the Spanish people on December 6, 1978. “Such is the anniversary that we have celebrated for 46 years, the only one that attracts the consensus of the Spanish people.”
The non-law Proposition will be debated in the Plenary Session on Thursday, February 6 and will go forward, predictably, thanks to the absolute majority of the Popular Group in the Assembly.
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