Ayuso has to resign

A person in such a state of desperation and aggressiveness, dedicated to permanently confronting the President of the Government along the lines corroborated by Tellado, should not continue in office. Few countries would endure the threats of a coup without lifting a single finger to stop them

Let us reflect on which democratic country the spokesperson of the first opposition party can say without consequences: “Our obligation is to put an end to this government and we are going to do it with all the means at our disposal.”. When it is also completely visible that they are already practicing it with the scandalous collaboration of sectors of justice and the media. The person who has stated this is Miguel Tellado and his party the PP. And the obligation they impose on themselves: to review the results of the polls. With these things, anyone would call it a coup d’état. A soft blow, if you will, which lacks few elements to be consummated.

It is one of the very serious anomalies that Spain is experiencing, in which its deep structural failures explode and worsen over time by doing absolutely nothing to stop them. There is more.

The plaster of a rotten and undemocratic right – at its roots -, with complicit meanings that benefit from it, has brought us to a moment of total madness. Because something fails miserably in Spanish democracy when the complaint of a confessed tax fraud commission agent provokes the prosecution of the State Attorney General for having denied a hoax by the advisor of his girlfriend and president of Madrid. The crux is that. The swell, much larger.

The revelation of secrets was from Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, he was the one who sent emails to various media before the Prosecutor’s Office denied it. The MAR email told the story the other way around: that the Treasury had offered a pact to Gonzalez Amador. Let us remember that Ayuso’s boyfriend defrauded the Treasury of 350,951 euros with a scheme of false invoices and shell companies. The Prosecutor’s Office denounced him in court for two crimes of tax fraud and one of document falsification. González Amador had collected obscene commissions for the sale of masks during the pandemic. A classic now. From appearing as a “sanitary technician” he has become a millionaire who lives in two apartments worth more than a million euros each, with an area of ​​200 square meters. The president of Madrid shares life and accommodation with him. It is the real crux of the matter. It is the “case Noviuso”. The rest, distraction; a distraction trap.

For this alone Ayuso should have resigned. Then came screwing everything up. The unspeakable story of the emails and the revelation of secrets. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez’s announcement that the attorney general was forward knowing the plans of the Supreme Court; from Room II, from Marchena. This isn’t revealing secrets, is it? The car is full of holes, it even recognizes that the Attorney General did not reveal anything that was not published (more than 18 people had the email), but at this moment in Spain the most unlikely thing is happening.

As if Miguel Ángel Rodríguez continues in office and without judicial charges. A European Commission report on threats to the rule of law in Spain he expressly cited Ayuso’s communications director for having threatened journalists – specifically from elDiario.es – for publishing the fraud of the president’s partner. He is still there, anticipating high-ranking judicial actions. What has the PP done with this country?

Until this explosion of anger from Isabel Díaz Ayuso in the Madrid Assembly from her high political position in the Community. A person in such a state of desperation and aggressiveness, dedicated to permanently confronting the president of the government of Spain along the lines corroborated by Tellado, should not remain in office for another day.

It is not easy to understand Ayuso’s role (with boyfriend included) in this horrible fight against democracy that is maintained by a powerful right-wing clan against the legitimate government. High courts, media that do their best to save the couple, are they so essential in your plans? They are certainly not heads, unless health or other types of business are involved, including the usual blackmail in organizations of this nature. She, without a doubt, is no more than a pawn on the board but she must seem essential to them due to her ductility and total lack of scruples. The 7,291 elderly people who died without health care due to the cruel mandate of their government plan on Ayuso. Spanish justice has looked the other way, now The PP maneuvers in Brussels to block the citizen request to investigate its ‘Protocol of Shame’. The conservatives paralyze a claim registered by Marea de Residencias that had received the endorsement to continue forward in the European Parliament. Why else is there nothing to hide?

These are the risks of giving power to those who use politics for private purposes without stopping at methods, no matter how dirty they may be. Citizens grant them that capacity with their votes. But how long can Ayuso resist with such a degree of violence in defense of her unreason? There are fans of the president who follow without believing in their responsibility in the cruel pandemic Protocol. They would sign up to try his methods without breaking their blind faith. Misleading propaganda disguised as journalism does incalculable damage. Are we going to wait for that?

Ayuso must leave, it is urgent to demand and achieve her dismissal; also Tellado. The truth is that the pulse is far above the dispensable Ayuso and the party has plenty of aggressive spokespersons ready for anything. The PP should review its drift although it will not do so. The Government also has to assume the moment we are in, the entire Spanish society. Their pact to renew the Judiciary has left them like an Ecce Homo. Pedro Sánchez, in particular, has just received a resounding slap from the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid for his complaint against Peinado, the judge who gives way to complaints from the extreme right based on hoaxes from his media and in which this court sees no prevarication . It far exceeds what can be endured. Not only him, but the rest of the Spanish democrats.

The European People’s Party is handing over the EU to fascism, without stopping to betray the agreements with social democrats and liberals that facilitated Von der Leyen’s reelection to the Commission. Paradoxically, it has been the Italian justice system – which envies the difference – that has stopped the racist measure of the Meloni migrant ghettos that Von der Leyen had targeted. So much neglect is curious, but it is clear that we cannot count on Europe either and that expelling the weeds from our country would be more effective and even somewhat easier. Few countries would endure the frequent coup threats from members of the PP without lifting a single finger to firmly stop them. They have not hidden themselves in the slightest to launch or execute them. The fight is open-faced, with underhand traps on the sidelines.

#Ayuso #resign

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