In Mexicothe Constitutionally Autonomous Bodies (OCA’s), like the National Electoral Institute (INE), Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE), Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), Bank of Mexico (BANXICO), National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL)are entities key to the functioning of a healthy democracythe economic competitionthe government transparencyand the macroeconomic stability.
The OCA’s are public entities created by constitutional mandate which enjoy technical and management autonomy to carry out their functions without depending directly on the Executive BranchIts main objective is to protect fundamental rights, guarantee transparency, foster economic competition and promote evidence-based public policies, among others.
Currently, there is a opinion proposing to reform the Constitution to eliminate these bodiesSuch a proposal puts at risk its autonomy and, therefore, its ability to operate without political interference. If this ruling is approved by the Permanent Constituent Assembly (made up of the Congress of the Union and the state congresses), several steps will be taken backwards in the democratic advances achieved in recent decades.
The INE is a clear example of an autonomous body that is essential to guarantee clean, fair and free elections. Its independence from political power is crucial for electoral processes to take place without manipulation or pressure. However, we would agree with an electoral reform that prevents discretion in its decisions and that it is not used to apply political revenge.
BANXICO plays an essential role in macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation and preserving the purchasing power of the currency. Its autonomy guarantees that monetary decisions are based on technical criteria and not on short-term political interests, which is crucial to maintaining the confidence of national and international markets.
COFECE and IFT are key bodies for promoting competition and avoiding monopolies in key sectors of the economy. INAI plays an essential role in guaranteeing access to public information and protecting citizens’ personal data.
Both INEGI and CONEVAL are bodies that generate statistical information and evaluations on the performance of public policies. Without their independence, the quality of the data collected could be compromised, affecting the formulation of effective public policies. These bodies are essential for measuring the impact of social programs and outlining strategies that truly benefit the population, especially the most vulnerable.
If the constitutional reform that seeks to eliminate or centralize the functions of these bodies is approved, the consequences would be serious for the country.
Beyond maintaining their existence, it is necessary to strengthen the OCAs, provide them with greater resources and powers, and protect their autonomy. The challenges that Mexico faces, such as corruption, inequality, poverty, insecurity, and economic volatility, require solid and independent institutions that act for the benefit of society and not partisan interests.
Alejandro Moreno is the national president of the PRI.
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