Increase the sensitivity of institutions towards those suffering from autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to cold antibodies (Cad), an ultra-rare blood disease. This is the objective of the diary 'A life without winter' which collects the stories of patients and caregivers born from an initiative by Sanofi in collaboration with FB&Associati, and with the contribution of Cittadinanzattiva and Uniamo Italian Federation of Rare Diseases. The Diary, which tells of the desire of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to cold antibodies to live a better life without obstacles, isolation and disability, was presented in Rome at a meeting hosted by the Luigi Sturzo Institute. Cold antibody-induced autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a rare pathology: between Europe, the United States and Japan, it afflicts approximately 12,000 people. There is approximately one new case per year for every million inhabitants. The highly disabling disease affects the immune system and causes the destruction of red blood cells.
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