Atoche has gone from studying at a military school in Peru to become first sergeant of the Spanish Navybut the road has not always been simple.
Although becoming a military and ranking in another country was a complicated task, the young Atoche, born in Peru and resident in Barcelona, decided pursue your dreams.
He began studying at the Military College of his hometown, Trujillo, where he took his first steps without knowing what the future held. Although he arrived in Spain for a employment contract, only one year later he would become the “Chief” of the mechanized unit of the first company.
“It wasn’t very difficult either, because already It was something I did In Peru, “he said as she was interviewed by the Creator of Content Wendy Szmid. When she was offered to be part of the Spanish army, Atoche had no doubt:” Above that they pay me to do what I like, because what better. “
To enter the Armed Forces, some requirements must be met, such as approveing the evidence physical and technicalthat “have not varied much”, and are collected in the Official Gazette. “Those who are suitable and have achieved a greater note,” they become enlisted.
Although Atoche already has his job, he says that he continues to form: “That he is military It does not mean that you have not studied. On the contrary, study more now than before, “he says, while emphasizing and studying” the enemy. “
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