The ATE Association, which is part of CEOE since 2019 and heads Lorenzo Amor, has supported Angela de Miguel for Cepyme’s elections. “ATA bets on the business unit and renews its commitment to small businesses and self -employed. The Federation considers that this unit would be reinforced if it bet on a unique candidacy led by Angela de Miguel that unified all the voices that rise in the collective” has transferred the association of autonomous after gathering its management team.
Love It is part of the Ceoe President’s President CircleAntonio Garamendi, who has promoted the candidacy of the current president of CEOE Valladolid. In fact it was one of the first names that sounded in the pools for the alternative candidacy to Gerardo Cuerva, after the employer made public at the end of the year that had a person to change the approach of the organization of SMEs.
The leader faced the elections at the beginning of the month, where it was revalidated in a position that has held for two decades for another five years after gathering 94.8% of the votes deposited at the polls. Of the total 500 committees in census, 72 have not voted, 9 votes have been blank and 13 null. It should be noted that the love candidacy for the presidency of Ata was the only one that appeared within the period given by the organization.
In these first bets, the name of Fermín Albadalejo headed by the organization of young entrepreneurs (cement) occupied second place. The same day that De Miguel’s candidacy was confirmed, this organization launched an support statement in which they rejected “personal egos” and business sources point to what the elections are preparing in the circle closest to the candidate promoted by Garamendi.
#ATA #supports #Garamendis #candidate #Angela #Miguel #Cepymes #elections