Do you suffer from ‘Burnout’?
The doctor and psychiatrist Carlos Cenalmor explains how to differentiate the specific stress episodes from a more dangerous phenomenon such as burned worker syndrome
That feeling of having to pull your body, of being in the hands of unrestwithout energywithout motivationwithout delusion… Those moments, every day more frequent, in which it costs to concentrate, in which easy things seem difficult to assume and postpone and postpone … that fatigue from early in the morning, that rare sadness, those awakenings in the middle of the night … there are moments in life in what for some people only think about work already produces anguish … Is all this guilt of stress, of a bad boss or partner or maybe we are talking about something? Could we face some of the symptoms that are lived when the ‘Burnout’ syndrome either burned worker syndrome? We discover it under these lines talking to Carlos Cenalmor (@Dr.Carlos.Cenalmor), doctor, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
After growing in Madrid and training in the best universities and hospitals, Carlos Cenalmor suffered an episode of stress and ‘burnout’ that marked a before and then in his career. He moved to the Pyrenees and from there he disseminates his reflections on the difficult labor balance every day. He has just published ‘Burnout syndrome’ (Vergara).

Carlos Cenalmor, along with journalists Raquel Alcolea and Laura Pintos.
All episodes of ‘alphabetting of welfare’ can be found on the main audio platforms, such as Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Podimo. They are also available in YouTube.
Recording: Íñigo Martín Ciordia.
Mounting: Blanca Nava.
Coordination: Juan López Córcoles.
Image design: Rodrigo Parrado.
Interviews and production: Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolea.
Other episodes of ‘alphabet of well -being’:
– How to cancel the negative effect produced by others’ opinions on you, with María de Mondo.
– How to know if you have sensory intelligence, with Estanislao Bachrach.
– Neurofelicity: How to tune in brain and heart to improve your life. With Ana Asensio.
– Why some people are unhappy even if they seem to have everything. With Jesús Matos.
#life #work