Student Salsabil Hassan Sawalha won the title of champion of the Arab Reading Challenge in its eighth session at the level of the State of Palestine, at the end of qualifiers in which 346,778 male and female students from 1,486 schools participated and under the supervision of 4,105 reading supervisors, both male and female..
The student, Salsabil Hassan Sawalha, from the eleventh grade at Bani Naim Secondary School for Girls, from the North Hebron Educational Directorate, was crowned with the title, during the announcement of the names of the winners via Teams technology, with the participation of Mr. Sadiq Al-Khadour, Assistant Undersecretary for Student Affairs at the Palestinian Ministry of Education, and Dr. Fawzan Al-Khalidi, Director of Program Management. And the initiatives of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation.
It was also announced that Fadi Abdel Rahman Abu Hamdeh from Qalqilya won the title of “Distinguished Supervisor”, and Awarta Girls Secondary School from Nablus won the title of “Distinguished School”.“
In the category of people with disabilities, first place went to student Joan Asem Asaad from the tenth grade at Al-Qabas School for Visual Impairment, affiliated with the Ramallah and Al-Bireh Directorate..
List of heroes.
Ten male and female students advanced to the final qualifiers at the State of Palestine level, and in addition to the student Salsabil Hassan Sawalha, the list included: Hisham Omar Qalawla from the eleventh grade at the New Boys’ Secondary School in the Qabatiya District, and Layan Issa Hilal Az’ar from the ninth grade at Al-Zahraa Secondary School. For girls (south of Nablus), Qais Amjad Abu Salha from the tenth grade at Qimam Academy (Ramallah and Al-Bireh), Nada Moatasem Yassin from the fourth grade at Al-Karama Girls Basic School (Ramallah and Al-Bireh), followed by Salah Al-Din Salim Awad from the twelfth grade at the Awarta Secondary School for Girls (south of Nablus), Ansam Murad Hassan Fuqaha from the fourth grade at Deir Sharaf Secondary School for Girls (Nablus), Raghad Ahmad Jibreen from the eleventh grade at Omar bin Abdul Aziz Girls’ School (Tulkarm), and Joan Munther Mustafa Sawafta from the tenth grade. At Tubas Girls Secondary School (Tubas), and Ghazal Rashad Adel Taim from the eighth grade at Al Awda Girls Secondary School (Bethlehem).
The eighth edition of the Arab Reading Challenge, the largest reading event of its kind in the Arabic language worldwide, achieved record numbers, with participation in the current edition reaching 28.2 million male and female students from 50 countries representing 229,620 schools, under the supervision of 154,643 supervisors..
Cultural presence.
Dr. Abdul Karim Sultan Al Olama, CEO of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation, said: “The high number of participating Palestinian students in the eighth edition of the Arab Reading Challenge carries several implications, most notably the strength of the cultural and intellectual presence in Palestinian society, the great interest of the Palestinian educational institution in encouraging students to read, as well as the great coordination between the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation and the Palestinian Ministry of Education, and the shared convictions held by both sides about the pivotal role that culture plays in the renaissance of societies and building a bright future for new generations.”“.
Dr. Abdul Karim Sultan Al Olama congratulated the male and female winners at the conclusion of the qualifiers at the Palestinian level. He also congratulated the parents of the participating students’ families, the Palestinian Ministry of Education, all schools, and male and female supervisors..
The Executive Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation noted that the unprecedented numbers recorded by the eighth session of the Arab Reading Challenge, represented by the participation of 28.2 million students, both male and female, from 50 countries around the world, reflect the prestigious status of this reading demonstration at the Arab and international levels, and the extent of Interact with the initiative, which reveals new Arab talents every year in the world of culture, language, and creativity, and inspiring stories of perseverance and willpower..
Consolidating the principles of tolerance.
The Arab Reading Challenge, which was launched in the 2015-2016 academic year under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, “may God protect him,” aims to produce a comprehensive reading and knowledge movement, and to consolidate the culture of reading in Arabic, a language capable of Keeping up with all forms of literature, science and knowledge, encouraging rising generations to use them in their daily dealings, developing mechanisms for comprehension and self-expression in a sound Arabic language, and developing creative thinking skills..
The challenge also aims to enhance the importance of cognitive reading in building self-learning skills and building the value system of young people by informing them of the values, customs and beliefs of other cultures, which establishes the principles of tolerance, coexistence and acceptance of others..
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