The shelves of several conventional stores in France are being emptied due to the furor that ‘aphrodisiac honey’ is causing among the population. It is a treatment for erectile dysfunction that is marketed as a honey that enhances sexuality between … the consumers. This new golden nectar contains unregulated supplements mixed with drugs that have become a kind of fashion.
It is wrapped in a small elongated bag with details reminiscent of a bee panel. The product itself is a honey mixed with Viagra that is causing a sensation among university students in France for recreational purposes. These bags They are sold for five euros among the population.
In recent months, the country has experienced a notable increase in the purchase of these products that are sold as a natural supplement under names such as ‘Black Horse’ or ‘Jaguar Power’. The so-called erectile honey sold in convenience stores late at night and on the Internet. “The younger public is turning to this phenomenon, thinking that it can match the performance that can be found on pornographic sites,” a police officer told ‘Le Figaro’.
The French authorities have stated that this nectar could have deadly effects in the population where the product has not been tested by health authorities. In the month of November alone, customs officials at the port of Marseille seized 13.9 tons of this product, which translates into about 800,000 individual doses. This ‘aphrodisiac honey’ is imported mainly from countries such as Malaysia, Thailand or Türkiye.
The problem with these sachets, which are beginning to become quite a fad in France, is that the levels of sildenafil or tadalafil (the active ingredients in Viagra and Cialis) can vary greatly from one dose to another. These powerful vasodilators can interact with other medications and cause heart problemsacute kidney failure or more serious consequences.
“There is a risk of suffering very serious or even fatal accidents if they are taken simultaneously with other medications,” said Dr. Alain Ducardonnet, a cardiologist, to the French radio station ‘BFMT’. Cases of these effects have been witnessed in Lyon. In the year 2022, a man underwent surgery urgency due to necrosis in his virile member after ingesting the nectar.
Last summer of 2024, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) announced the withdrawal of these products, such as ‘Royal Honey Plus’ or ‘Miel D’afrique’. Its compounds were hidden in their labels where they were marketed in the country as a natural product.
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