During Microsoft's big message in its official podcast a few weeks ago, important statements were made, one of them was precisely that they are still in the game of the console market, since they are actively working on the next generation. However, in new reports by expert analysts in the field, it is mentioned that the fall of this great is imminent, and that at some point the war will occur only between the Japanese with PlayStation and Nintendo.
As mentioned by Serkan Totodirector of the gaming consultancy Kantan Gamesto Microsoft The hardware part matters less and less, all to concentrate on other aspects such as the service. Game Pass and even cloud technology. That would lead to them concentrating on it in a few years so that they don't have to worry about selling consoles. That is why they do not see much of a future in this section of the industry even though they assure at least one more generation.
Here is his statement:
All signs point to hardware becoming less and less important to Microsoft, so there's a chance we could return to a point like the '90s, where viable console options were all Japanese.
In turn, this says David Gibsonanalyst MST Financial:
It may not happen right away because cloud gaming technology clearly isn't ready yet, but from what Microsoft is indicating, there's a chance we could return to an all-Japanese console industry with Sony and Nintendo each dominating their part of that.” market in its different and unique forms.
It is worth mentioning that the cloud market is not yet very stabilized so it could take time for Microsoft reach such a decision, so it would not be a matter of one or two generations for them to supposedly leave this section of gaming. But it would be a little later, but this could also be based on results, and if they manage to come back it is possible that something similar will not happen.

Editor's note: It is not entirely true that this is going to happen, but it is a fact that Mcirosoft is paying more attention to certain sections than others, leaving the console part neglected as is. Proof of this is that Blu Rays are now mere keys and the game information does not come inside the disc, but is only used to unlock the download and give permission to play.
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