For now, the Government does not have in mind the approval of a new royal decree law like the one that Congress rejected yesterday in what would be the fastest way to ensure the revaluation of pensions as a temporary measure until … get it The Cortes will validate it again within a month. The Executive is inclined to wait for the negotiations with the parliamentary groups to bear fruit, if this happens, which will cause pensioners to see their benefit reduced in February after these days Social Security pays them the pension updated to 2.8% .
With the impetus of this new express decree, pensions could continue to be revalued in the month of February and transport aid They would be reactivated automatically, waiting for the parliamentary process to allow, within a month, to endorse these measures so that they do not have an impact on the domestic economy if the necessary support is achieved.
The Council of Ministers has the capacity to address at its next meeting on Tuesday the economic and social measures included in the ‘omnibus decree’ that was voted yesterday in Congress and that was rejected. With this legal formula, according to several legal experts pointed out to ABC, the Executive could apply the measure again to guarantee an additional temporary period, short in any case, to carry out the revaluation of pensions or transport aid, among other actions.
The route of the royal decree law (there is also the decree law and other formulas established by the legislation depending on the matter in question) means that its content is put into effect from the moment of its publication in the Official Gazette of the State (BOE). This has happened on multiple occasions during recent years both with urgent economic measures like others in the social and labor sphere from the pandemic crisis to that linked to inflation and prices two years ago.
Of course, the text that comes out of La Moncloa from a Council of Ministers – which can even be extraordinary if so determined by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez – would have to go through the same route as the bus. That is, the Executive would have a maximum period of 30 days from its approval. for validation by the Lower House and do not falter in its application, as happened with this Wednesday.
About 40 euros more per month
For now, pensions will be updated to 2.8%, as planned, in the coming days. The banks already have in their possession the files that Social Security periodically sends them with the data of the recipients and will pay the benefits with that revaluation. However, it is most likely that the pension will be reduced again at the end of February, returning to its 2024 amount, if there is no decree that allows the new pension to be applied.
The annual increase in pensions is included in the latest reform of the Toledo Pact, by which the revaluation is established with the average of the CPI from November of one year to December of the next. In the last year, this average inflation was 2.8%, which represented an additional cost of 7,296 million euros for the Social Security coffers, at a rate of 2,606 million euros for each point that inflation rose.
The 12.3 million pensioners who receive some type of benefit (mostly retirement, but also widowhood, orphanhood or total disability, among other modalities) were going to see their pension revalued with that average of 2.8%. In fact, at this time of the month, Social Security used to send the information letter to the entire group to indicate how much their pension was definitively left. That moment will have to wait.
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