Perfect Andrés Ibáñez, emeritus magistrate of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, considers a “catastrophe” The fraud confession of Ayuso’s couple.
In An interview in ‘The Intermediate’the magistrate criticizes that Judge Hurtado, an instructor in this case, uses “the old inquisitive system that today has no lace in the constitutional model.” “The instructor judge operates with a single hypothesis: that of the imputation. And try to confirm it; It is a matter of method, ”said the outstanding jurist in Lasxta on Wednesday.
Perfect Andrés dates back to the chronology of the facts. “The Chief of Cabinet of the President of the Community [Miguel Ángel Rodríguez] He manipulates information and attributes to the prosecutor the offer of a pact ” – when the reality was González Amador who offered that pact to avoid the prison – which“ demanded from the prosecutor a rectification ”, which occurs in the note issued by the Prosecutor’s Office That later “is criminalized,” says the lawyer.
The Supreme Emeritus magistrate recalls that in a supreme car on October 15 it is said that this note, the denial of the Prosecutor’s Office, “is not criminalizable”; “But it is also said that filtration [del correo de la pareja de Ayuso] He has been able to harm the right of defense and the presumption of innocence of González Amador, ”he adds. “He does not explain why, because the presumption of innocence and the right to defense himself [González Amador] He has already put them at risk from the moment it is known that there has been an attempt to pay with the prosecutor and acceptance of the penalty. Therefore there is no cause ”against the prosecutor, says perfect Andrés.
During the interview in LaSexta, the lawyer recognizes that he “squeaks”, in addition, the “lack of foundation of the initiatives” of Judge Hurtado in the case against the Attorney General. “What is the reason why, weighing the circumstances, a measure as tremendous as the offices of two prosecutors where there are delicate documentation is chosen, not to mention the public image,” says Andrés perfect. “It’s destructive. It enters the offices of general prosecutors in the same way that drug traffickers are entered, ”said the magistrate.
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