Since the appearance of Chatgpt in late 2022, artificial intelligence has revolutionized both business and investment level. Since then, it has been one of the large investment currents through which strong returns have been achieved. However, in 2025 the question of investors and experts of whether the fever about this new technological revolution has been too far away. Despite this, in a survey conducted by Natixis to 520 managers from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia, IA is still considered as the business growth engine in the following years.
Almost 80% of the professionals surveyed reaffirm the potential of artificial intelligence to accelerate the increase in business benefits in the next decade. And the use of AI also integrates it into their own business. 69% of these experts believe that AI will help discover more hidden investment opportunities and also more than 61% say they use this tool to evaluate potential market risks.
In this sense, 58% of the companies in which respondents work have already implemented AI in their businesses and their investment processes. The managers of Germany, France and Switzerland They are, in this context, the ones that have adopted the AI most. Despite this, for these experts not everything is pink and up to 52% of them worry that AI is contributing to converting the robbery In a competitive threat.
Beyond AI and technological bubble, new geopolitical conflicts, inflation, intensification of current wars, relations between the US and China are the main concerns and economic sunrises for these managers in 2025.
And, although they believe that volatility will continue to be very present in the markets, 73% continue to be very optimistic about the prospects for 2025. In fact, 67% of the analyst at the global level affirms that they will not adjust their profitability hypothesis for this year, even after the aforementioned risks.
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