It is popular knowledge that ‘the dog is the best friend of man’, but since time immemorial, they have been the Horses who have played a crucial role in the construction of civilizationsinfluencing our economies, cultures and policies.
Approximately 3.6 million years ago, in what is today Tanzania, there are traces that reveal us that Our ancestors already rode in wild horses. After its domestication, about 5,500 years ago, during the bronze age, its usefulness shot: They served as transport, food, and their skins and bones also took advantage. It was no different in North America, where horses have been fundamental for many indigenous cultures.
Alberta’s rocky horses
At the end of January, the Alberta government began its annual count of the population of horses free on the eastern slopes of the rocky mountains. According to current regulations, if the number of copies exceeds the established threshold, control measures will be implementedincluding the adoption of 30 horses and the administration of contraceptives to females. This process, which is repeated year after year, has re -turned on the debate on the presence of these caressed horses in Canada.
Alberta’s rocky mountains house one of the populations more iconic and at the same time controversial of horses in freedom around the world. Known as’Wildies‘, have lived in the region for generations and are part of the natural landscape. However, its existence has generated an intense debate on its origin, its impact on the ecosystem and control measures imposed by the Government.
The origin of these horses dates back to the European colonization of North America. For centuries, the horses used in agriculture, mining and transport were released or escaped, forming the population of what also is called Alberta mountain horses.
Currently, the greatest concentration of these horses is located in the Sindre area, northwest of Calgary, where In 2023 969 copies were counted. Although many inhabitants consider them part of the natural heritage, the authorities classify them as ‘feral’, that is, domestic animals that have returned to a wild state.
Nailstracted horses or wild horses?
The distinction between ‘wild’ and ‘Ferral’ is not just semantics; has legal and ecological implications. Wild horses, such as United States Mustangs, are considered part of the natural heritage and are protected by specific laws. Instead, Alberta’s feral horses are classified as ‘domestic cattle’ under the Law of Street Animals of the Province. This means that they do not have the same protection status as wild fauna, such as deer or alces.
This classification has generated tensions andIn those who see these horses as a symbol of Alberta’s history and culture and those who consider them a threat to the ecosystem. Horse defenders argue that they have been part of the landscape for centuries and that they deserve to be protected. On the other hand, critics point out that they compete with cattle and native fauna for resources, especially in grazing areas.
The conflict with the livestock sector
One of the main reasons why the Alberta government seeks to reduce the population of these horses is its impact on the ecosystem and competition with cattle.
In relation to their impact on the environment, the authorities argue that these animals consume large amounts of grasswhat can degrade the ground and reduce food availability for other local species. In addition, it is believed that its presence negatively affects aquatic ecosystems, since they trample the banks of the rivers and streams.
On the other hand, the livestock industry is an economic pillar in the province, with a value exceeding 5 billion dollars annually (approximately 4.5 billion euros). For farmers, the presence of wild horses in grazing lands represents a problem, since CThey chep for resources such as water and food.
Since the 1950s, population control measures have been implemented, including catches and sacrifices. In 1993, Alberta introduced the regulation of horse captureallowing the capture of between 25 and 35 horses a year. However, in 2011-2012, the figure shot 216 captured copies.
In 2023, the Government proposed new control measures based on adoptions and contraceptive methods. If the population count exceeds the threshold of 1,000 horses in certain areas, 30 would be put in adoption and 90 would receive contraceptives. These initiatives have been received with skepticism by environmental groups and horses, who consider that decisions are not based on scientific evidence, but on pressures of the livestock sector.

Social Resistance and Conservation Measures
Given these policies, organizations such as Wild Horses of Alberta Society (Whoas) They have intensified their conservation efforts. Whoas has implemented a birth control program through the use of a vaccine that reduces the fertility of mares temporarily and without affecting their health.
In addition, horses defenders denounce that adoptions do not always guarantee a safe future for animals. Cases have been documented in which horses adopted ended up in auctions and, subsequently, were sent to the slaughterhouse.
For figures such as Joanne King, photographer, local activist and content creator, these horses are more than simple animals and represent an invaluable cultural and natural legacy. Thousands of people around the world follow their stories on social networks and travel to Alberta only to see them in their natural habitat.
What future awaits Alberta horses?
The fate of these horses Follow on the game board. While the government maintains its population control position, defenders continue to press to be recognized as part of the ecosystem and more humanitarian measures are implemented.
For now, the struggle for the protection of these animals continues, and their future will depend on the ability of society to balance conservation, economy and ethics in wildlife management.
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