The oceanic navigator Álex Pella He starred in a new one RCNP values cycle session In the Magna Room of the Royal Yacht Club of Palma, where he shared his vision of determination and leadership in the high competition candle. The talk was aimed at the athletes of the club and their families, with the presentation by Hugo Ramón, vocal of sailing of the RCNP and oceanic navigator with an outstanding career.
Pella, currently immersed in the Record attempt at the world on the west route aboard the Maxi Catamarán VictoriaHe stressed the importance of leadership based on respect and achievement of a common goal. “The leader does not command, but is enforced,” he said, stressing that the key to facing challenges of this magnitude is to have a team united around a shared goal.
The navigator reviewed his career, marked by participation in reduced structure projects both at human and financial level. «The great achievements of my career have been little projectsbecause that is where I feel comfortable and I give everything, ”he explained. He remembered his beginnings in navigation with his family and how that experience marked his passion for the sea: “The illusion of going to the water and enjoying the sea comes from my family.”
During his speech, he stressed that his success has been based on always facing new challenges with determination and enthusiasm. “My success has always been linked to having an attainable objective and going for him,” he said. However, he acknowledged that there comes a time when it is difficult to find new challenges: “The key to my success is to do new things, but there is a time when you run out.”
Pella too addressed the importance of navigation security after having lived a serious accident. “I rethink if all this was worth it,” he confessed, and explained that this experience made him more aware of the risks and the need to maintain the alert both personal and within the crew.
For the navigator, determination is an innate feature that can also be worked. “I call it enthusiasm, and I always develop it by doing different things,” he said, insisting on his need to constantly face new challenges.
The RCNP values cycle, led by the doctor in sports psychology Miquel Salom, aims to convey teachings and inspiring experiences to the athletes of the club. The session with Álex Pella allowed attendees to know firsthand the philosophy of one of the most prominent oceanic navigators and their approach to the overcoming of challenges in the sea.
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