2024 confirms that the local product ‘conquest’ to Alcampo and reinforces the strategic role of the community in its network. Throughout the last year, the company made products of products to a total of 300 Castilian and Leonese suppliers worth more than 202.8 million euros, a figure that represents an increase of more than 4% compared to the previous year.
Castilla y León thus became the fifth autonomy where acquisitions most increased In 2024 to community producers, only behind Extremadura, Baleares, Navarra and the Canary Islands. It is the proof that “the good, the healthy and the local are inseparable for Alcampo.”
From this investment, 197.4 million euros were allocated to the acquisition of goods from Castilla y León that were distributed to all Centers of Alcampo in Spain.
In addition, the stores located in the community itself made direct purchases to 67 small local producers, for a value of 5.4 million euros. It is mostly SMEs in the primary sector that sell their products only to the Alcampo centers located in a given area, favoring with this collaboration the local development and the repopulation of rural areas. In this sense, the company actively works to add more suppliers and products from Castilla y León to its offer, aware that the community is “a true treasure of flavors and traditions.”
Among the total cast of producers with whom Alcampo has sealed his collaboration, they stand out seven suppliers from Castilla y León offered by brand products Under the highest quality march we cultivate the good: sausages of the bonfire of Soria, the Iberians of Simón Martín de Salamanca, the ecological vegetables of Tabuenca de Segovia, the ecological cheese of Fuente Mómporarera de Burgos, and the Meléndez de Valladolid potatoes, the Zamora Coperblanc flours or the ecological strawberries of El Pinar, in Segovia.
In addition, Alcampo maintains alliances with more than twenty Castilian and Leonese producers that provide the company of products that are marketed as their own brand with the logo of the characteristic bird of Alcampo. Among these suppliers are the Burgos flower, gullón cookies, sweets and preserves helios, snacks and extruded, gambastar or poultry products El Granjero. For years, the land of Tierra de Taste in stores in Castilla y León and the Community of Madrid has also promoted.
For Alcampo, strengthening links with Castilla y León not only means expanding their scope among consumers, but also intensify collaboration with local producers, such as farmers, farmers, packagers and industrialists. This approach allows to preserve the gastronomic and cultural tradition of the region, while driving the generation of employment, wealth and, in many cases, it contributes to the revitalization of the areas where it has a presence.
In general terms, Alcampo made in 2024 products of products at 5,527 Spanish suppliers worth 3,735 million euros. This figure hosts the purchases of products without fuels (if the fuels are added, purchases amount to 4,144 million euros).
#Alcampo #bought #products #Castilian #Leonese #suppliers #worth #million