The president of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), María José Rallo del Olmo, attended a complaint before the Prosecutor’s Office of the Valencian Community last Friday, March 14 for the filtration of an audio manipulated of a conversation that took place on the morning of October 29, day of tragic Dana, between a meteorologist and an emergency technique of the Generalitat.
The audio, filtered on February 12 allegedly to some media around the surroundings of the president of the Valencian Government, Carlos Mazón, was cut with the idea of implying that Aemet was not providing reliable information of what was happening in the Valencian municipalities and what was to come the day of the Dana. However, shortly after some media published this retouched conversation that, both Mazón and PP members disseminated in their social networks, and other media published the complete conversation in which the opposite was accredited, that is, that everything that was predicted and warned from the state agency ended up happening, without this served to expedite the response of the Mazón government It appeared by the Integrated Operational Coordination Center (Cecopi), according to its latest version, until 20.28 hours.
The complaint registered by Aemet, to which has had access, also highlights the decontextualized use, and, therefore, in torticra, “by the media of the recording of the conversation between a predictive official of this agency and a technique of the Emergency Management Center 112 of the Valencian Community”. In a first publication, dated February 12 at 17:47 in the Diario Diario, the recording was incomplete and manipulated (in the sense that the subtitles of the audio did not collect the reference to the red notice to which the predictor referred), giving partial and incomplete information of the communications made ”.
Subsequently, “the aforementioned recording was published completely” by various media, first by the Cope chain and then by and other media, which he quotes in the complaint with a link to the correct information. It is important to note that Aemet could not be the full audio filter, since it does not record the calls. It is the 112 of the Generalitat Valenciana the institution that in charge of registering the conversations and which must guard its content, according to the law.
He then recalls that in accordance with the provisions of article 53 of Law 13/2010, of November 23, regarding the registration and access to the information of 112 Valencian Community, all the information related to the management of an emergency incident managed by 112 “will be made available to all the essential services involved, to the strict purposes of its management”. After the management of the emergency incident, the rule recounts, “only such information will be provided at the request of the judicial authority.” The mention law adds that the recordings and records of the incidents managed by 112 Valencian Community “will be guarded for a maximum period of two years, except for the different instruction of the judicial authority.”
According to the complaint, the conversation occurred “in the context of an emergency management, and, therefore, is protected by the provisions of the aforementioned art. 53.3, being a reserved information, with the strict purpose of managing the emergency occurred and being its restricted dissemination in the terms of the aforementioned law ”. Therefore, Aemet, makes it known to the Prosecutor’s Office in case these facts “could be constitutive of crime, all without prejudice to the eventual damage or affectation to personal data that such filtration has been able to generate” to the worker.
This was the full conversation
The call occurred at 12.01 on October 29 and in it the meteorologist moves to the emergency technique that “at 15 hours the worst will begin”, that the storm was going to move “inside the north of Valencia” (at no time we talk about the Serranía de Cuenca as Mazón said the day of the tragedy), to which the employee of the autonomic administration responds The rains with all flows. ”
During the conversation, Aemet’s worker comments with the emergency in the first place that they were having problems with communications: “Let’s see, tell me, you have been calling me, right? It is not the audio, you did not listen, ”says the emergency technique, to which the meteorologist who had already told them that they were trying to contact Aemet“ and the calls did not enter ”. From emergencies they recognized that they were having “problems right now with telephone communications.”
Next, from Aemet moves: “Let’s see, already, in principle, we are not going to dizzy with more notices. Those in the morning have been confirmed, but we have not made changes. I think it’s maritime, because if not, I wouldn’t have confirmed the morning, okay? I know it has been a bit jaleo, we have been going up to orange, well, we are now going to do the study of why we have been broadcasting on scale and not everything together. And well, to dizzy less. And well, the thing is, then, the expected thing, isn’t that the maximum rainfall will go north and especially inland. With a later afternoon in the interior north of Valencia. So, we have open reds and, well, we are in surveillance. At notice, in principle you can’t upload more, but hey, we can notify possibilities. ”
The meteorologist informs after “the city of Valencia seems to be there, nor even the airport.” From emergencies they ask about a time strip where the storm will be worse, for example from 15 hours to 18 hours, to which from Aemet they answer: “At 15 hours in the afternoon the worst will begin as until 6:00 pm in the afternoon. That midday strip in mid -afternoon. And starting from the most attached to that interior of the coastal part, and already pulling inside, as in the direction of Rincón de Ademuz (…) it seems that the part of the southern coast has already calmed down. And let’s see how the afternoon is evolving “, to which from emergencies they answer:” Now we also have the consequences of the rains with the flows, but well, little by little. ”
#Aemet #denounces #Prosecutors #Office #manipulation #emergency #audio #disseminated #Mazón